What did you learn from previous relationships?

What did you learn from previous relationships?

Before setting your relationship goals, set your career goals.

Office wala love are more successful than college wala love. 


If you can’t trust her, you can’t love her.

It take years to build a true relationship and seconds to destroy.

keep your self-respect high, try as much as you can to get her back but never bargain your self-respect for love from her.

Don’t be an attention seeker, if she doesn’t give a shit about your messages and call then mind your own business too.

No matter how many unforgettable moments you had with her, she will not care for a second to think of them while breaking up with you.

Don’t get emotionally depend on her, no matter how much you want her to comfort you.

Always dress well and tidy when you meet her, you don’t know when it’ll be one of the reason for your break-up.

Hit the gym, what are you waiting for to let your partner go with someone else.

LDR sucks; if she can’t be with you in LDR, she can’t be with you for whole life so don’t blame distance for your relationship failures.

Girls want a man more successful and independent than her.

Don’t always share your problems with her; she can’t listen to your problems all day.

Never be in rebound relationships, don’t be just a shoulder for anyone.

Don’t hookup with someone to forget your past.

Easy make up, easy break up; take time to know your partner. Don’t jump into a relationship quickly just by thinking she is the one.

Don’t make her/him your first priority always.

Learn to say ‘NO’ if you’re not ready for anything.

Don’t fall into fake promises; the same promises they did with their ex.

Don’t fall in love, always rise in love.

Don’t believe them when they cry while breaking up with you and saying “I want to be with you but not in relationship, I loved you a lot but now I don’t feel anything for you, you deserve someone better, I can never be happy god will punish me etc etc”; these words are bullshit. She wants to get rid of you.

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