How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon: 5 Key Tips From An Experienced Farmer

How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon: 5 Key Tips From An Experienced Farmer

How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon: 5 Key Tips From An Experienced Farmer

Especially in this time of the year, there is nothing more refreshing and delicious than a cold slice of watermelon. Yet, not all watermelons on the market are delicious, and it seems that picking the best one is up to chance.

Yet, apparently, you can actually judge the watermelon by its shell, as there are some useful tips on how to choose the right one. An experienced farmer provided 5 pieces of advice on how to spot the perfect watermelon:


Size matters, it is true, but numerous people believe that the bigger the fruit, the better the taste. The reality is that the average-sized watermelons are the best.


Gender of the watermelon

The ‘boy’ watermelons, for instance, are more watery, while the ‘girl’ ones are sweeter. In order to recognize them, you should know that the boy watermelons are more elongated and taller, while the opposite ones are stout and more round.


Field Spot

All watermelons have such spots, but the color of the spot of the best ones is creamy-yellow or orange-yellow. Try to find one with a gold field spot.



The tail of this fruits shows the ripeness, so in order to get the watermelon with the best taste, always buy the one with a dried one. A green tail means that the fruit has been picked too soon, so its taste will not be the best for you.



The webbing of a watermelon shows the number of times that bees touched the flower. Hence, the more signs of pollination, the sweeter the taste of the fruit is.

Make sure you remember these 5 perfect tips and you will always pick the perfect watermelon.

6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Can Treat 5 Different Types Of Cancer

6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Can Treat 5 Different Types Of Cancer


6 Grams Of This Herb A Day Can Treat 5 Different Types Of Cancer

The cancer diagnosis is an extremely stressful and unpleasant, as this illness if most often life-threatening, while its treatments additionally destroy health.

Due to the numerous harsh adverse effects of these treatments, numerous cancer patients choose to alternatively cure this issue. Alternative medicine remedies do not cause the same negative side-effects, while often significantly helping in the treatment of the problem.

Today, we will suggest an incredibly effective herb in the case of cancer: the moringa plant. For centuries, this plant has been commonly used in the treatments of various health issues, such as epilepsy, diabetes, anemia, and arthritis.

Now, scientists claim that it has potent cancer-fighting properties, due to benzyl isothiocyanate, which offers the same effects as chemotherapy, but does not cause its side-effects.

If used in combination with chemo or radiation therapies, it can reduce the damage caused to healthy cells, as it will successfully strengthen them.

This amazing plant has multiple nutritional properties, as it is high in minerals, vitamins, including iron, potassium, and calcium, and thus boosts health while undergoing some sort of treatment.

Studies show that moringa plant is also very effective in the case of pancreatic, colon, breast, ovarian, and liver cancer.

You can buy it online or in stores and markets where exotic fruits and plants are sold. The entire plant is edible, so you can buy the plant with the leaves and fruits, and have a constant supply all the time.

You can consume the moringa tree in your soups, teas, and all kinds of meals and you can also remove the fibrous casing and extract the juices from the seed pods.

Additionally, some people even shred the roots and add them to food. All in all, all its parts are extremely healthy and beneficial, so you can choose to get the most of it.

It is important to know that this plant has shown amazing results when tested on animals and in laboratories, but there is still no trial conducted on human data for cancer.

Yet, there are no severe side-effects of the consumption of amounts of up to 6 grams daily for three or four weeks. Moreover, it should not be consumed in the case of pregnancy, as it can cause contractions in the uterus.

Also, it is not recommended in combination with other prescription medications as it can enhance their effects to an unsafe level.

However, if you plan to start a cancer treatment or you are undergoing one, you should incorporate this plant into your diet, as its high nutritional values will help you strengthen the overall health and help you fight cancer while diminishing the side effects of the conventional treatment.

Hence, use the numerous benefits of moringa plant and increase the chances of battling this detrimental disease.
16 Signs It’s Time To Drain Your Lymph Fluids!

16 Signs It’s Time To Drain Your Lymph Fluids!

16 Signs It’s Time To Drain Your Lymph Fluids!

The human body contains twice as much lymph fluid as blood, so the lymphatic system is of high importance to the overall health.

This system consists of a network of organs and tissues, whose role is to remove the undesired material from the body, such as toxins and waste.

Yet, the primary function of the lymphatic system is the transportation of the lymph fluid in the body. This fluid has white blood cells which fight inflammation in the entire body.

When the lymphatic system is congested, you may experience numerous health issues, including the following symptoms:
  1. Mild headaches
  2. Swollen glands
  3. Dry skin
  4. Tiredness and fatigue
  5. Hypersensitivity
  6. Increased histamine levels, as well as common irritations caused by environmental allergens
  7. Weight gain and extra fat in the abdominal area
  8. Weakened immunity
  9. Breast swelling or soreness with each cycle
  10. Rings get tight on fingers
  11. Occasional diarrhea, constipation, and/or mucus in the stool
  12. Brain fog
  13. Bloating / Water retention
  14. Itchy skin
  15. Soreness and/or stiffness after waking up in the morning
  16. Mild rash or acne


The congestion of the lymph nodes and the entire lymphatic system may be a result of various factors, but John Douillard has come down to three major causes, as follows:

  1. Iodine deficiency commonly causes lymphatic congestion, as iodine promotes the function of the lymphatic system at the cellular level and reduces the effects of toxins.
  2. Imbalances in the digestive system can often cause irritations of the intestinal villi, leading to lymph congestion. The biggest amount of lymph surrounds the gut, (Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissues – GALT), so the regular lymph flow, as well as the elimination of toxins, immunity, and assimilation, largely depend on the quality of the villi.
  3. Studies have shown that stress is responsible for even 80% of all chronic health issues. Namely, its chemistry is degenerative and congests the lymphatic system.

However, there are natural and safe ways to improve the lymph health and stimulate the transport of lymph throughout the body. The following 11 tips will help you support the lymphatic system and thus improve your health:

1. Lymphatic Drainage Massage: This kind of a massage will physically support the drainage of the lymph and prevent congestion.

2. Hydrotherapy Showers: This is actually a treatment using hot and cold water alternative.

Before you get out of the bathtub, just switch the hot water to cold fast and repeat several times. This supports the flow of the lymph as well as the blood circulation.


3. Exercise: Exercise is probably the most effective method to get the lymphatic system moving. Additionally, rebounding, or jumping on a large and small trampoline, is the most efficient exercise you can do. You should practice rebounding for 10-20 minutes every day.


4. Walking: Walking stimulates body movements and supports the function of the lungs. Remember to breath as deep as possible.


5. Yin Yoga: One should hold the Yin Yoga for 3 to 10 minutes. These poses require a change of gravity, so the changes in pressure positively affect the lymphatic flow.


6. Dry Skin Brushing: The lymphatic flow is enhanced by just brushing the skin using a natural bristle brush.


7. Legs up on the Wall: In order to improve the flow in the legs, help your sleep, and stimulate detoxification, you should lie down and raise the eggs against the wall.


8. Deep Breathing: The lymphatic flow is significantly boosted by deep breathing, as the lungs pump the lymphatic fluid.


You should try the following breathing exercise by The Budwig Center, which provides amazing effects:

You should stretch the arms to both sides, and then move them up as you inhale through the nose. At the same time, you should make circular movements with the hands, and shortly hold the breath.

You should deeply breathe from the lungs, as the expansion of the lungs squeezes the thoracic duct and produces more flow.

Then, put the hands down while exhaling and again make circles with them as you move them downwards. Due to the removal of toxins, you may feel a slight light-headedness, so stop the exercise at this point.

Over time, you will develop an ability to do it much longer. While doing this amazing breathing exercise, you should repeat the following: ‘wash the cells, feed the cells, purify the cells’ to help pump out the toxins.’

9. Standing Desk: The lymphatic flow is severely damaged if you sit all day long. Therefore, you can buy yourself a standing desk which will stimulate the lymph flow and prevent other side-effects of sedentary lifestyles.
10. Plenty of water and a healthy diet: Dehydration is the major reason for congestion of the lymphatic system. Therefore, plenty of water can help you boost the lymph flow, and eliminate the toxins which enter the body through processed foods. Additionally, you will benefit a lot from the consumption of raw fruits on an empty stomach, as well as warm drinks and soups in the winter and cold foods in the summer.
11. Infrared Sauna: Sauna therapy provides amazing effects, as it stimulates sweating while in parasympathetic nervous system mode, and toxins are removed from the body. The lymphatic flow is also improved by this circulation and elimination of toxins, and the tissue regeneration.
These Six Herbs Can Help You Reverse Inflammation, Boost Brain Health And More

These Six Herbs Can Help You Reverse Inflammation, Boost Brain Health And More

These Six Herbs Can Help You Reverse Inflammation, Boost Brain Health And More

It is a happy coincidence that usually the flavors we prefer are derived from spices and herbs that are extremely useful for our health.

For instance, despite being common in your favorite Indian meals, turmeric provides multiple health benefits, such as asthma and joint pain relief. Also, oregano effectively fights bacteria.

Yet, in order to reap all the benefits of herbs and spices, you most often need to take supplements, as adding a bit of them to your pizza, or curry is not the best solution, as you cannot get the needed dose.

Also, you can prepare your healthy, herbal tea, but the following six herbs are best to be taken in the form of supplements: 


Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory properties and studies have confirmed that it relieves the pain in the case of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

It is extremely helpful for patients suffering from inflammatory conditions, like tendonitis, and since inflammation also leads to heart diseases, it supports the cardiovascular heart.

Unlike numerous other spices, you can intake it in sufficient amounts through food. According to an Ayurvedic clinician in San Jose, California, Reenita Malhotra, all you need is a pinch per serving, or only 4 grams in the form of supplements daily.

Caveats: Due to its strong ability to cleanse the blood, you should use turmeric sparingly.


Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is a popular remedy for nausea, as well as post-chemotherapy nausea and morning sickness. Numerous studies have suggested that it is even more effective than Dramamine in the case of motion sickness.

To relieve motion sickness, you should take 500 mg of the powdered extract half an hour before you start the trip, and then every 4 hours until you arrive at the destination.

You can also prepare an infusion, by adding ¼ to 1 gram of ginger to boiling water, leave it to steep for 15 minutes, and drink it three times daily.

Caveats: You should take ginger in food if you are prone to heartburn, and in the case of pregnancy, do not take more than 2 grams daily.

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is an extremely beneficial bulb with a specific aroma and pungent taste, which is excellent for the heart health.

Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of the Austin, Texas-based American Botanical Council, claims that atherosclerosis patients who consumed garlic dramatically lowered the plaque in their arteries.

He explains that “Garlic slightly lowers LDL, or bad cholesterol, and raises HDL, the good type. It also lowers blood pressure and reduces the potential for a stroke, because less plaque means there’s less possibility that pieces will break off from the artery walls and lodge in the brain or heart.”

For best effects on the health of the arteries, it is recommended to take 200 to 300 milligrams of standardized garlic powder three times daily.

Caveats: Garlic can excessively thin out blood do avoid taking it as a supplement combined with aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin).

“For the same reason, stop taking garlic one to two weeks before surgery, “advises James Snow, chair of the herbal division of the botanical healing program at the Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, Maryland.


Peppermint (Mentha x Piperita)

Peppermint is the most effective stomach-calming herb you can use, and it quickly relieves the upset stomach.

Moreover,  peppermint oil, which is in the form of enteric-coated capsules, is extremely efficient in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

These capsules, since coated, go through the stomach and open in the intestines, have a strong antispasmodic activity on the muscles and prevent constipation and diarrhea.

If you want to calm the upset stomach, you can drink a cup of  peppermint tea, and in the case of IBS, you should take a capsule of 0.2 milliliters of peppermint essential oil 1-3 times daily with water and before meals.

Caveats: Snow warns that“Peppermint will cause heartburn and worsen acid reflux in some people,” so avoid this herb if you suffer from these issues.


Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Scientists confirmed that oregano oil treats infections, due to the two potent compounds in the plant, thymol, and carvacrol.

David Bunting, director of botanical and regulatory affairs at Herb Pharm in Williams, Oregon, says that:

“Oregano can be helpful for traveler’s diarrhea and giardiasis, but it’s used primarily for upper respiratory infections.  It’s best for short-term, low-grade problems like coughs and colds, but if you don’t feel better after several days, or you develop a high fever, you should definitely see a physician, who may need to prescribe antibiotics.”

The essential oil is the most therapeutic form you can use, and if taken improperly, it can even burn the mouth. Therefore, you should use products like Herb Pharm’s Oregano Spirits, which is a mixture of essential oil and a liquid oregano extract.

The recommended doses vary due to different weight and symptoms, from 20 drops two times daily to 30 drops 4 times daily, diluted in 4 ounces of water.

Caveats: Here we can only mention the potential of the essential oil to burn the mouth.


Sage (Salvia officinalis)

The traditional herbal medicine considered sage as a brain-boosting herb, and modern studies confirmed it. A study conducted on British healthy adults showed that those who took Spanish sage oil capsules has better results on a word-recall test than those in a control group all the time.

Apparently, this herb includes a compound which inhibits the same enzyme which is targeted by drugs involved in the treatment of memory loss in the case of Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, it has powerful antiseptic properties, so it is the best natural remedy for a sore throat. In this case, you should drink sage tea or gargle with a much-diluted solution of the liquid (10-20 drops) in a cup of warm water.

On the other hand, people suffering from Alzheimer’s are advised to take 30 drops of the liquid extract 2-3 times daily, as well as individuals who would like to boost their sharpness.

Caveats: there is no risk if you use sage normally or add it to foods, but you should never take it in excessive amounts and too long, as it may lead to seizures.
7,000 Studies Have Confirmed That Turmeric Can Change Your Life- Use It in These 7 Incredible Ways!

7,000 Studies Have Confirmed That Turmeric Can Change Your Life- Use It in These 7 Incredible Ways!

7,000 Studies Have Confirmed That Turmeric Can Change Your Life- Use It in These 7 Incredible Ways!

A rather shocking fact is that even 42,000 new toxins have been introduced into our environment in the previous year.

The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water, as well as numerous everyday products like shampoos, cosmetics, cleaning products, air fresheners, toothpastes, are loaded with dangerous chemicals.

Numerous of them disrupt our endocrine system, whose role is the release of hormones into the blood stream. Additionally, many of these chemicals we regularly use have a detrimental effect on the internal body organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and the heart.

The avoidance of the effects of these chemicals is not impossible, so you should opt at finding ways to prevent the effects of toxins and thus protect your health.

Nowadays, turmeric has become the most popular spice and is included in numerous healthy recipes. Yet, this spice has been used for numerous years.

This incredible spice has been mentioned in the Bible, and the legend even suggests that the wise men from the East, on the birth of Jesus, came and brought him myrrh, frankincense, and gold.

Ancient texts claim that turmeric was also called gold in those days. Turmeric has been commonly used in the Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as well, initially as a spice and a powerful blood cleanser. Furthermore, turmeric has been used to cure kings when poisoned.

Yet, only now we acknowledge the power of this beneficial spice and scientists discover new uses and health benefits of turmeric every day.

Despite the revolutionary advances in the modern medicine, it seems that more and more people get sick, and we often hear about some new diseases and conditions.

Stress combined with the burden exposed by the fast- paced lifestyles and polluted environment have brought too many worries to people regarding their health.

However, health can be significantly restored by simple changes in the lifestyle and the consumption of healthy, organic foods.

Undoubtedly, turmeric is one of the most potent spices on the planet. It acts as:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Bactericide
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiallergenic
  • Antiseptic
  • Insectifuge
  • Antispasmodic
  • Fungicide
  • Anti-tumor
  • Herbicide
  • Antiviral
  • Antiulcer
  • Cancer preventative

These are only a few of the numerous health benefits of the use of turmeric:


Improves Gut Health

Turmeric optimizes the health of the gut, which is of high importance for the entire body, as even 95 % of the serotonin and other critical hormones are centered in it.


Relieves Inflammation

Hundreds of studies have shown that turmeric has extremely potent anti-inflammatory properties. Considering the fact that multiple illnesses are caused by inflammation, turmeric significantly supports health and prevents severe health issues.


Boosts Mental Health

Scientists have confirmed that this spice has powerful neuroprotective activity, so it can treat various conditions, such as depression, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, tardive dyskinesia, and other neurodegenerative disorders.


We will suggest 7 different ways to use turmeric and incorporate it into your daily diet;


1) Golden Milk

This recipe will help you prepare one of the healthiest drinks ever:


  • Fresh grated or powdered turmeric (1 teaspoon)
  • Raw honey (2 teaspoons)
  • Almond or coconut milk (1 cup)
  • Fresh, grated or powdered ginger (¼ teaspoon)
  • Cardamom (a dash)
  • Vanilla (¼ teaspoon)
  • Cinnamon (a dash)
  • Clove (a dash)
  • Water (¼ cup)

Method of preparation:

You should simmer all the ingredients listed above for a minute, and your golden milk is ready!

In case you do not have much time, you can just add a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm coconut milk.


2) Turmeric Tea

Chop some turmeric and add it to the tea make to prepare a healthy and tasty turmeric tea. You can also follow this recipe:


  • Hot water (one cup)
  • Fresh, grated turmeric (½ teaspoon)
  • Black pepper
  • Raw honey
  • lime

Method of preparation:

Initially, bring the water to boil, and then add the turmeric. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, strain it, and add the other ingredients. Stir well, and you can drink it right away!


3) Turmeric Kefir

You can add a tablespoon of turmeric to your kefir and enjoy the benefits of this amazing drink.


4) Turmeric Juice Shot


  • Turmeric root (½ inch) or a teaspoon of powdered turmeric
  • Half a lemon
  • Sea salt

Method of preparation:

You should first juice the lemon and the turmeric, and then just add the salt.



5) Turmeric Soup


  • Chopped or grated turmeric (1 knuckle)
  • Organic bone broth or veggie (4 cups)
  • black pepper

Method of preparation:

Just simmer the turmeric and the broth for 15 minutes, and then strain. In the end, add some black pepper and enjoy your healthy turmeric soup!


6) Turmeric Smoothie


  • Fresh or powdered turmeric (1 teaspoon)
  • Maca root (1 teaspoon)
  • Frozen mango or pineapple (1 1/2)
  • coconut flakes (2 tablespoons)
  • Almond milk or coconut milk (1/2)
  • Black pepper (a dash)
  • Hemp seed hearts (1 teaspoon)

Method of preparation:

Simply place all the ingredients listed above in your blender, blend them on high speed for a minute and enjoy this delicious smoothie!


7) Turmeric Scramble

Just add some turmeric powder on the eggs you prepare for breakfast and you will fall in love with this healthy turmeric scramble!

Research Shows: Ginger Destroys Prostate Cancer, Ovarian And Colon Cancer Better Than Chemotherapy

Research Shows: Ginger Destroys Prostate Cancer, Ovarian And Colon Cancer Better Than Chemotherapy

Research Shows: Ginger Destroys Prostate Cancer, Ovarian And Colon Cancer Better Than Chemotherapy

Numerous people around the world have known and used the incredible health properties of ginger.

Besides being a common spice added to foods, it has also been considered to be a natural remedy for numerous various illnesses. Nowadays, the modern science has confirmed this capacity of ginger, and studies suggest that it has an immense power in the treatment of cancer.

According to the Journal of Toxicology and Food Chemistry, ginger contains two substances, known as gingerols and paradoles, which help the prevention of cancer. Yet, scientists have shown that than conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. 


Ginger destroys Colorectal Cancer

At the conference of Cancer Prevention Research in 2003, scientists showed that ginger efficiently prevents colorectal cancer. Yet, there are numerous studies which have confirmed the same.

The Journal of Nutrition published a study in 2015 which showed that despite preventing colon cancer, ginger also destroys colon cancer cells. Therefore, this amazing root can be of great help to people who suffer from colorectal cancer, as well as those who would use it as cancer prevention.

Ginger Treats Ovarian Cancer

Angiogenesis is the condition of onset of cancer, and it greatly determines its growth and development. Therefore, if you manage to prevent the infection of the ovaries, you may successfully prevent the cancer development.

The “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine” published a study which found that the ginger root has active ingredients with powerful anti-angiogenic properties, which can efficiently prevent the development of cancer.

Furthermore, the experiment of a scientist from the University of Michigan conducted at the American Association for Cancer Research showed that ginger effectively destroys cancer cells and is even a better alternative than chemotherapy, as the cancer cells in the ovaries do not develop resistance to it.

Additionally, the ginger therapy causes fewer side effects, does not cause drug resistance, and leads to less toxicity than the conventional treatments.


Ginger kills Prostate Cancer Cells

The British Journal of Nutrition published another study which indicated that the extract of ginger successfully prevents the growth of prostate cancer cells. What’s more, researchers suggest a dose of 100 mg ginger per kilo of body weight.

The findings of the study suggest that the ginger extract reduces the tumor growth by 56%.Also, ginger does not affect the development of healthy cells in the body, which is not the case with the conventional cancer treatment.

The conclusion was that it was the first report that offered a detailed explanation of the anti-carcinogenic activity “in vivo” or “in vitro” of the ginger extract in the therapeutic management of prostate cancer in humans.

Researchers also confirmed that it is more effective than chemotherapy, as it does not affect the healthy body cells. Furthermore, they have proved that ginger provides the same effects in the case of ovarian cancer as well.

Multiple studies have provided evidence that ginger efficiently prevents numerous cancer types and destroys the cancer cells in the colon, prostate, and ovaries.

Yet, the best thing about it all is that it does not cause detrimental side effects, as it destroys only the affected cells, and has no effects on the healthy ones. This means that this natural cancer treatment does not poison the body and only improves health.

Hence, you should start using ginger as a medicine as soon as possible, so make sure you incorporate it into your daily diet and use it regularly. In this way, you will prevent cancer, and even treat the existing disease, and enjoy numerous health benefits as well.

The recommended daily amount of ginger is anything up to 4 grams, while pregnant women should not take more than 1mg daily.

Finally, make sure you lead a healthy lifestyle, consume a healthy diet, and exercise regularly, in order to promote your wellbeing, and prevent cancer and other health problems.
Cleanse The Blood Vessels With Just One Glass Of This Drink

Cleanse The Blood Vessels With Just One Glass Of This Drink

Cleanse The Blood Vessels With Just One Glass Of This Drink

Plaque buildup in the blood vessels is a serious condition in which the arteries get blocked by deposits of fatty plaque, which restrict the blood flow and lead to heart and brain problems.

In most cases, the formation of plaque in the arteries is a result of the raised levels of cholesterol or triglyceride. If this issue is detected on time, it can be of great help, as plaque in the blood vessels accumulates slowly over time.

Yet, there is an incredibly effective, natural way to remove the plaque deposits from the blood vessels- fenugreek seeds!

Numerous studies have shown that fenugreek is loaded with fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels, and this soluble fiber content blocks the absorption of cholesterol.

To be more concrete, fiber raises the viscosity of the digested food and prevents the uptake of cholesterol and bile acids. Moreover, these seeds are one of the best cleansers of the body, as they eliminate fat, toxins, and waste from the arteries. 


This is how to use fenugreek seeds to cleanse the blood vessels:

-In a cup of water, you should add a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, and boil them for 5 minutes. Then, strain the mixture and add honey to sweeten it. You should consume this drink once or twice a day.

-You can also add fenugreek seeds in some water and leave them to soak until the next morning. Then, eat them and drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, before you eat your breakfast.

The consumption of fenugreek seeds in some of these ways for several months will surely cleanse the blood vessels completely.

Furthermore, we will suggest some other useful tips as well, to help you prevent the creation of plaque and clogging of the arteries:
  • Avoid fried red meat
  • Reduce the sugar intake
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Consume more fruits with bright colors, such as watermelons, mangoes, oranges, and blueberries
  • You should consume 2-3 cups of green tea every day
  • Every day, try to eat several walnuts
  • You should drink 2-3 tablespoons of extra-virgin coconut oil on a daily basis to prevent plaque buildup in the blood vessels
  • You should often consume beans and whole-grain foods
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of pure organic cranberry juice daily
  • Use only extra-virgin olive oil for cooking, as it positively affects your cholesterol levels.
I Never Thought To Cut A Watermelon Like This. This Is So Smart (VIDEO)

I Never Thought To Cut A Watermelon Like This. This Is So Smart (VIDEO)

I Never Thought To Cut A Watermelon Like This. This Is So Smart (VIDEO)

No one really spends time thinking about how to slice the watermelon, so we simply do it as we were taught to.

We slice it, grab a slice, and another one, and that is pretty much all.

However, apparently, there is a technique which can make it much easier. First of all, think about all the fruit which remains on the rind while slicing the watermelon and the mess it all creates in the kitchen.

Yet, the following video will show you another way to cut the watermelon, and you will thus manage to avoid the mess and get much more fruit of it.

Initially, cut the watermelon in half, and make a tiny incision through the rind and around the center. This will snap the fruit in half, so just flip it to be on the end, and remove the peel.

The white rind can be removed afterward; you should cut off the top and take it off.

Then, cut it into small slices, turn the cutting board 90-degrees, and once more cut it into slices, but this time, in the opposite direction. Now, just place a bigger bowl over it, flip the cutting board and the slices of the delicious watermelon will be all placed in it.

Can it be easier? Just try it out a few times, and you will never cut the watermelon in the old way again!

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Your Memory By 75%

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Your Memory By 75%

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Your Memory By 75%

The numerous medicinal benefits of the rosemary have been used for centuries, and the traditional medicine regarded this herb as the most effective one on the treatment of memory issues.

Due to its relation to improved memory, Greek students have put this herb on their heads during exams, and there is also a reference to this herb and its amazing power to boost memory in Hamlet as well.

One study examined the effects of rosemary and participants were given rosemary essential oil every day. What researchers found was incredible- they had 60 to 75 percent higher chances of remembering things in comparison to those who did not use the essential oil.

Research has shown that this herb also contains carnosic acid which destroys the toxins which damage the brain. Also, it has natural compounds which provide protein to the brain, thus supporting its decision-making abilities.

This amazing natural herb helps to break down acetylcholine, which induces cells which are responsible for memory.

Scientists have shown that certain chemical compounds in rosemary affect our memory and the most effective one that boosts it is cineole. Therefore, the better you absorb 1.8-cineole, the better your memory will be. The best way to absorb it is through sniffing through the nose.

The results of people who use the benefits of rosemary before doing some task are far better, and rosemary also reduces stress, prevents mood swings, and enhances your speed and accuracy in tests.

However, even though numerous studies have confirmed the positive effects of rosemary on memory, more research is needed to prove that it will improve memory.

Yet, natural remedies have numerous advantages, and one of them is the fact that they do not cause side-effects like commercial medications, so you can freely try them out.
I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before!

I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before!

I’m Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again… I Wish I Knew This Before!

If you suffer from a bad and persistent cough, you have surely tried all kinds of commercial drugs to treat the issue.

But apparently, none of them provides the promised results, without causing a variety of harmful side-effects. This is due to the fact that they are loaded with dangerous chemicals that actually cause more harm than good.

On the other hand, there is a completely natural and effective recipe which can be of great help. These cough drops consist of healthy herbs and ingredients that you probably already have at home.

These cough drops will be of great use before the winter comes, as they will significantly strengthen your immune system and prevent other health issues.

Ingredients to prepare them:
  • Ginger- to boost the immunity
  • Cough suppressant- in this case, honey, due to its potent antibacterial properties
  • Vitamin C- lemon juice is loaded with this vitamin
  • a secret ingredient to make all ingredient come together.

The following video provides all the needed instruction on the preparation of these cough drops!