Five Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better


Five Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? You’re not alone!

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that insufficient sleep is a public health problem and have spent thousands of dollars and hours trying to figure out the solution.

If you’ve tried medication, relaxation techniques, a better mattress, banana tea and other remedies, but are still tossing and turning through the night, this article is for you!

We all know that spending time out in Mother Nature has numerous health benefits. Is it possible that bringing a little bit of Mother Nature INDOORS could help you get better sleep at night?


There are a lot of benefits to bringing plants into your house, including:

  • Better air quality
  • Reduced stress
  • Less anxiety
  • Better smell
  • Headache relief
  • Boosted mood
  • Cold/illness prevention
  • Improved brain function


Plants For Your Bedroom, For A Better Sleep

NASA recently did an entire study on the ability of plants that have a calming and cleansing effect on the environment. Here are the top 5 that we think are most effective for helping you get better sleep and improving the vibe of your bedroom.


#1 Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera is an excellent indoor plant because it has a host of benefits AND is easy to keep alive! Aloe vera was listed as one of NASA’s top air-improving plants and has been shown to emit oxygen at night. Increased oxygen supply at night may help with insomnia and improve the overall quality of sleep.

Aloe vera is also known as the ‘plant of immortality’ and can be reproduced easily. Spread this popular medicinal plant all over you house for maximum benefits!


#2 Lavender Plant

You may have used lavender essential oil, but have you ever tried growing your own lavender plant? Lavender, in all its forms, has been shown to help reduce anxiety and stress, slow heart rate, improve sleep and may even help reduce crying in babies!


#3 Jasmine Plant

Jasmine is an exotic plant that’s smell has been shown to help improve the quality of sleep AS WELL AS alertness and productivity the next day! Just smelling this plant may help to reduce anxiety and stress.


#4 English Ivy Plant

English ivy is classy and easy to grow. It was named the NUMBER ONE best air-purifying plant by NASA.

English ivy may be particularly beneficial to those who suffer from asthma or breathing problems at night. Studies have shown that having English ivy in the home helps to reduce airborne mold by up to 94%! Since contaminants in the air are a major trigger of allergies, asthma and other breathing problems, this affordable plant may help to significantly improve the quality of sleep.


#5 Snake Plant

Already a popular indoor plant choice, snake plants are easy to keep alive and are great for interior decorating. Snake plants are believed to improve air quality by filtering the oxygen and thus improving the overall atmosphere of a home. Some studies have shown that having a snake plant in the room helps people to avoid eye irritation, respiratory symptoms, headaches and may also improve productivity levels.

Purer air = better sleep at night and more productivity during the day!


Most people have no idea that the quality of their air can affect their quality of sleep as well as their overall health and wellness. Mold and other airborne contaminants can be a major underlying factor in illness and disease.

By adding more indoor plants to your home, you will not only gain purer air but may also find that annoying symptoms you’ve been experiencing for years begin to improve.

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