My Cousin’s Endocrinologist Was Surprised When Two Months After Being Diagnosed With Diabetes She Returned For A Test And There Were No Traces Of Glucose In Her Blood! She Only Took The Remedy Three Times A Day!

My Cousin’s Endocrinologist Was Surprised When Two Months After Being Diagnosed With Diabetes She Returned For A Test And There Were No Traces Of Glucose In Her Blood! She Only Took The Remedy Three Times A Day!

Diabetes is a dangerous illness that impacts millions of individuals worldwide each year. The disease's primary causes include an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle and a high sugar intake, which raises blood sugar levels and causes insulin resistance. Diabetes is a dangerous condition that can greatly impair your quality of life and prevent you from performing your everyday tasks.

The only successful treatment for diabetes are insulin shots, which you need to take your whole life. Pretty unpleasant, right? The shots will regulate your blood sugar levels and keep them in check, which prevents other health problems. However, there’s one natural remedy that can do better than insulin shots and works without adverse side-effects. Fermented green papaya is the remedy that can control your blood sugar levels effectively and prevent the negative side-effect of diabetes.

Papaya is a tropical fruit that contains numerous essential nutrients such as vitamins A and C as well as potassium and important enzymes. The most important enzyme in the fruit is known as papain. Papain can treat and prevent a wide range of diseases and conditions, while green fermented papaya offers numerous health benefits. The fermentation process creates active essential enzymes in the fruit that stimulates certain receptors in the cells to respond to insulin better. Fermented green papaya also contains a bioactive compound that has similar effects to insulin.

How to ferment papayas?

Peel the fruit and remove its seeds, then cut the central part out into 10 x 10 mm. cubes. Now, make a salt and water brine, then put the pieces in a glass container and pour the brine over them. Cover the bowl with a cloth so the mixture can breathe and leave it for a week before pouring it in sterilized jars.


To make sweet and sour pickled papaya, the process is the same except for the brine. In this case, you’ll need to pour a mixture of vinegar, brown sugar, sea salt and ginger over the pieces of papaya. Again, cover the bowl with a cloth and leave it to ferment for a week and you’ll get nice pickled papaya cubes.


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