Most people have experienced aphasic stomatitis, also referred to as canker sores, which are enigmatic oral ulcers, at some point in their lives. I say "mysterious" because the exact cause of these bothersome, painful spots on the inside of the mouth is unknown, though potential causes include biting your cheek or inside of your lip, rubbing your braces, stress, heredity, and a compromised immune system.
They usually begin as an oval-shaped red patch of skin, become more inflammatory, and eventually develop a white or yellowish spot in the center. How can the canker sores be removed?
With a handful of natural ingredients, it’s not difficult to find ways to soothe the pain they cause (and make it so you can chew your food normally and talk without a lisp, which are also important things to consider.)
1. DIY Numbing Spray
Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil both have anti-inflammatory properties, while also possibly working as anti-microbial agents (thus reducing chance of infection.) astringents to help tighten the tissues around the wound, relieving further discomfort caused by swelling or potential fluid buildup. The cooling properties of both of these oils can also numb the nerve endings that are firing off.
You will need…
-2 tablespoons of olive or grapeseed oil
-10 drops of peppermint essential oil
-8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
-A glass mister bottle
Pour the olive or grapeseed oil into a glass mister bottle, and add the
essential oils. Cap, shake well, and spray some directly onto the canker
sore as needed for pain relief. Shake before each use.
2. Chamomile Tea Bag
Chamomile consists of several daisy-like plants that are most commonly used to induce sleep, promote relaxation, and help with digestion-it works a treat with cramping since it can help relax painful spasms in the digestive track. A chemical compound called bisabolol, or levomenol, is found naturally in German chamomile, and has been shown to reduce inflammation and also have antiseptic properties. Both of these properties will help reduce the pain of canker sores and potentially help speed the healing process.
You will need…
-1 bag of chamomile tea, or a tablespoon of dried flowers wrapped in cheesecloth
-Fresh water
Soak the chamomile in water for 1 minute or so if using a teabag, and
3-4 if using dried flowers. After soaking place it directly against the
sore for 5-10 minutes twice daily to help relieve discomfort and promote
speedy healing.
3. Swish Sage
Sage is an herb from the evergreen shrub, Salvia officinalis, in the mint family. It used widely in the culinary world, and has also been prevalent in homeopathic medicine and home remedies for years. Native American’s used sage long before modern medicine to help cleanse the mouth, and to heal the painful ulcers that we now know as canker sores.
You will need…
-A handful of fresh sage OR 2 teaspoons dried sage
-4-8 ounces of fresh water
If you are using dried sage, boil your water and allow the herb to
infuse for 10 minutes. Swish the water, and the herb, in your mouth for 1
minute before spitting it out and rinsing with plain cold water. You
can also make a tea-type rinse with fresh leaves, but I prefer the
following method.
Place your sage leaves in an airtight glass jar in a cool dark place and allow them to infuse for 24 hours. Swish the liquid (sans the sage) in your mouth for 1 minute. Lightly pound the soft, moist leaves to a pulp and then place the pulp directly over the sore for 5 minutes. Rinse with plain cold water.
4. Coconut Oil
When in doubt, use coconut oil! Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and also incredibly tasty, coconut oil is almost fail-safe when it comes to getting rid of canker sores.
You will need…
-Coconut oil
Using clean hands or a cotton swab, dab a liberal amount of coconut oil
onto the sore. Try to get a somewhat thick layer or clump on
there-coconut oil melts rapidly and a thin layer just seems to slide
right off. If you feel like you really can’t get it to stick, melt 1
tablespoon down with ½ teaspoon or so of beeswax to thicken it.
5. Clove Oil Cotton Ball
Clove oil contains eugenol, a potent painkiller, and has been used by dentists throughout decades to bring relief to patients. All those old-time depictions you see of dentists with giant pliers and their patients appearing to be in agony? They clearly forgot the clove oil. Eugenol is still used today, although in a pure extracted form, but clove oil remains useful for oral pain ranging from toothaches to canker sores.
You will need…
-1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
-4-5 drops of clove essential oil
-Cotton balls
-Warm water/salt water
Swish your mouth with warm water or salt water to get the area clean,
allowing the clove oil to really sink in and do its job. Mix the clove
oil with the olive oil and then soak a cotton ball in it. Apply the
cotton ball directly to the sore for 5-8 minutes for numbing relief.
6. Honey Rub
With its antibacterial, and potentially anti-inflammatory, properties, raw organic honey makes a wonderfully soothing coating for a painful canker sore.
You will need…
-A wee dab of organic raw honey
-Warm water
Swish some warm water in your mouth, and then apply a thick dab of
organic raw honey directly to the sore. Reapply 2-3 times daily (at
least one of those times should be before night, as it seems to do best
when you aren’t bothering it by talking or eating.)
7. Wax Cap
If you have a sore that keeps rubbing against your tooth, or if you have braces and or dentures that are irritating the sore, putting a little wax “capping” over the surface can help reduce irritating friction against the sore and help speed up the healing time. If you are placing this over braces, it’s important to make it thick enough that it doesn’t just get ground into the brace and stuck.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of beeswax
-2 teaspoons of coconut oil
Melt down the beeswax and coconut oil and allow the mixture to cool
slightly. When it has cooled, gently press a dollop over the edge of
your tooth/braces/dentures to protect the canker sore from rubbing.
8. Cayenne “Cream”
Cayenne contains a substance called capsaicin, which is the same chemical constituent that makes it “hot.” Capsaicin can inhibit something called Substance P, which is responsible for mediating pain responses in the body. Because of this, cayenne makes a great home remedy for canker sores, even though it sounds like the opposite thing you’d want to use!
You will need…
-Cayenne pepper
-Warm water
-Cotton swabs
Mix just enough warm water with ground cayenne pepper to form a thick
paste. Use a cotton swab to apply directly to the canker sore. Reapply
2-3 times daily for pain relief.
9. Aloe Rinse
The king (or queen) of soothing plants-aloe! The gel from this magnificent plant wields mighty powers when it comes to soothing not just sunburn, but canker sores as well. Make sure you use natural gel-not the green kind.
You will need…
-1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
-1 tablespoon of water
Stir the gel into the water and swish it gently over the sore 3 time’s day to ease the pain and facilitate healing.
10. Eat Yogurt
Yogurt is made from fermented milk-delicious, yes? It is produced by bacterial fermentation, that is, using bacteria or yeast to convert carbohydrates into organic acids. The result is a tangy bacteria rich substance that is enjoyed worldwide. You most often hear of it restoring a healthy balance to gut flora, but eaten daily yogurt may one of the home remedies for canker sores you find yourself going to frequently. It’s a simple healthy remedy that may help because it balances out bacteria in your mouth which, if it was out of balance, may contribute to or cause a canker sore.
You will need…
-Plain yogurt with live cultures
Make sure the label on the yogurt confirms that it contains live
cultures, and make sure you get plain-not vanilla! Eat at the very
minimum 1 tablespoon 3 times daily. I usually eat around a cup and add a
little bit of raw honey for taste and an extra healing boost!
11. Warm Salt Water
When the salt content around cells is greater on the outside than the inside osmosis takes place, with water being drawn from in the cells to help balance out the concentration. When water is drawn out, the painful puffiness that excess fluid can cause is diminished. If you have a canker sore that is really puffed up that keeps rubbing or that you keep biting, gargling with salt water can help greatly. This is also why salt water gargles help with a sore throat-reducing the painful swelling of the cells in the mucous membrane at the back of the throat. The warm water also produces a general sense of soothing relief, while the salt may help keep the area clean.
You will need…
-1/4 cup of warm salt water
-1/2 teaspoon of salt
Stir the salt into the warm water and swish it around in your mouth 3 times daily until the canker sore is gone.
Canker Sore Tips
– Try to avoid acidic foods when you have a canker sore, as they can prolong healing. Some people find that acidic foods may trigger their sores. Oddly, on the flip side, some anecdotal evidence suggests that a bit of very acidic juice (e.g. lemon juice) can sometimes help.
– Experiment with different home remedies for canker sores. Mix and match the ones on the list-for example, rinse with aloe and then follow up with the cayenne cream.
– Pay attention to your body-if you find yourself with canker sores
breaking out every time you have a project deadline to meet, take time
to yourself to relax. You deserve it.