Natural Remedies to Treat Cold, Cough and Flu

Natural Remedies to Treat Cold, Cough and Flu

With the starting of winter, people suffer from an inevitable cough, runny noses, flu, fevers, and thereby miserable sick.

Are you one among those people who always get a cold or flu in every winter season? Do you feel that your immune system is getting weak?

Winter is coming soon, so to avoid those cold, coughs and flu, you have to follow some effective ways, which we are about to discuss in this article.

The first and foremost defense system to stay free from germs is hand washing. This hand washing will help not only to clear the germs but also prevents the transmission of germs from a sick person to you.

We, in general, touch so many things throughout the day like phones, ATM buttons, keyboards, pens, door or furniture’s, money, poles, etc. in which the germs can be easily passed from one to another person in every second.

If your immune system is weak due to your poor diet, chronic stress and other factors then the cold virus will easily thrive in your body and causes this cold and runny nose.

The intake of all essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs will help you to alleviate the symptoms of cold, cough and flu. Most people prefer to use OTC medications to get rid of their weakness and desperation. But do you know those OTC meds will cause some side effects and harm your body in the long run?

The reason is that they are designed to mask up the symptoms but not to deal with the root cause or the killing the germs which make you sick.

Then why don’t you give a chance to Mother Nature to alleviate these worst symptoms of your cold or a cough without any side effects and also to strengthen your immunity?

Now we are going to know some effective natural remedies that work best in treating your problem and also you can use them at any time, even if you’re not sick (as a preventative measure).

Let’s get started…

Here are the best remedies you can follow it at home to build a strong immunity and to stay healthy without much attacks of cold, cough and flu in the coming winter season.


1. Probiotics:

Do you know that our immune system will work mostly as per the functioning of the digestive system? Yes, so you should maintain enough good bacteria (probiotics) in our system or else the pathogens will take over and make us weak and susceptible to many diseases and disorders.

Live and active bacteria in the gastro-intestinal system will make a healthy gut by preventing an invasion of pathogens causing sick and weak.

So, the intake of probiotic – rich foods will improve the digestion, relieves you from constipation, synthesize vitamin K and keep a well-balanced pH level in the body. At certain times, we wipe out the beneficial microbes along with the bad bacteria causing the problem in the body. Those accidental things include antibiotics, recent surgeries, colon cleanse, protein deficiency, diarrhea, too much intake of fiber, etc.

Methods to use Probiotics for Cold, Cough & Flu:

  • Include natural probiotic – containing foods like milk or water kefir, plain yogurt, fermented foods, kombucha drinks, sauerkraut, etc. as a part of your daily diet to strengthen your immune system.
  • Also, take quality probiotic capsules, which can be found easily at the local health stores or in online stores. But consult your doctor before using these probiotic supplements.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) exhibits antiviral and antimicrobial properties that kill off the microbes causing this cold, cough and sore throats. It helps to loosen and expel the excess mucus from the chest and allows you to breathe normally.

It has prebiotic inulin that helps to boost your immunity by sending certain signals to white blood cells to fight against the microbes causing the problem. It helps to balance the pH levels of the body, which in turn makes the body a less appealing for the bacteria or cancer cells to thrive.

Method to use ACV for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Add 2 teaspoons of ACV in 1 cup of filtered warm water and stir well. You can add a dash of Ceylon cinnamon powder (antiseptic), some fresh lemon juice (vitamin C) and raw honey (soothes the throat and clears inflammation). Stir well and drink it to get relief from cold, cough and flu in the winter season and also it helps you to stay warm.
  • Repeat drinking this ACV water for up to 3 times daily till you get complete relief from the problem.

3. Echinacea:

Echinacea is a common flower that widely used in the United States and Germany. In studies, it has been proved that Echinacea will help a lot in reducing the inflammation, boost up the immune system, relieves your pain and prevent the cold and flu virus from getting into the body.

In exhibits antiviral, antibacterial and blood cleansing properties that work well in fighting the virus causing cold or flu by increasing levels of properdin (a chemical in the body that helps to fight off the virus and bacteria).

It also reduces the chance of catching a cold virus by 60% and shortens the period of cold attack by 1 – 4 days instead of 5 – 7 days.

Method to use Echinacea for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Echinacea Tincture – Mix 2 dropper fulls of this tincture in 1 cup of water. Stir well and drink it to prevent further onset. Continue the intake for 3 times a day till you cleared the problem.
  • You can also use other Echinacea supplements in the form of capsules, tinctures or teas.

4. Cayenne Pepper:

Cayenne pepper helps to break the congestion by warming your body. It also reduces the pain and inflammation with its capsaicin content and also has high levels of vitamin C to give complete relief from cold and flu.

The pepper also helps to boost the metabolism, increases blood circulation, quicken blood clotting (for nose bleeds or any other internal bleeding), maintain proper blood sugar and blood pressure levels, etc.

Capsaicin in the main thing in cayenne pepper that works by inhibiting the substance P (a chemical in the body that aids in inflammation) and also this capsaicin are used to prepare many OTC creams to inhibit the body pains.

The cayenne pepper in capsule form is not considered as an effective as the powder form. It is generally rated according to its heat index. So, start taking 40000 SCUs and eventually raise up to 90000 SCU’s.

Method to use Cayenne Pepper for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper once a day and slowly increase the quantity by 1 teaspoon for 3 times a day. Repeat the process daily till you get complete relief from the problem.

5. Olive Leaf Extract:

Olive leaf extract (OLE) helps to fight cancer cells, increase the energy levels, enhance your cardiac health, prevents cancer, improves the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and lower your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

It exhibits antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the virus or germs causing cold, flu and cough along with soothing the irritated parts.

Oleuropein (a polyphenol in OLE) helps to clear the tumor cells and thus prevent them from replicating, moving and growing. So, it helps to maintain overall health including the treatment of cold, cough & flu.

Method to use Olive Leaf Extract for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • The recommended dosage of OLE is 500 milligrams for once daily. You can also take it in tea or capsules form.
  • Be sure that you have to take capsules that contain oleuropein.

6. Turmeric:

The curcumin in turmeric exhibits many amazing properties like antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it as a disease preventing and tumor fighting spice.

It effectively treats the respiratory problems like cold, flu and cough with its properties and also clears microbes and mucous causing the problem. There are many ways to enjoy turmeric to get rid of the problem.

Methods to use Turmeric for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Turmeric Drink – Simply mix a little turmeric powder to your favorite tea or warm milk and drink it by flavoring it with raw honey and ginger (for tea).
  • Turmeric Syrup – Sprinkle some turmeric powder into a spoonful of raw honey. Stir and consume it to get soothing relief from an infected throat.
  • Turmeric Paste – Mix enough water in 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric and stir well to make a fine paste. Apply it as a paste under the nose, throat and chest area (or other painful areas) to get rid of the pain and relieves you from the congestion.

7. DIY Detox Bath:

This detox bath will help to cure a cold, wheezing cough, and body pains. Here we are using some simple home ingredients like hydrogen peroxide (3%, used to oxygenate the body and eliminate toxins. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that fight off the virus and bacteria) and ginger (produce heat and increases blood circulation and thereby purge toxins through sweat).

Method to follow Detox Bath for Relieving Cold, Cough, and Flu.

  • Run hot water in your bathtub and the steam from this water will open the pores and thus prepare the body for cleansing.
  • Then pour 3 pints of hydrogen peroxide and 2 ounces of ground ginger in this bath tub.
  • Stir well and soak in this water for about 30 minutes.
  • Remember that, within 5 minutes of soaking, your body will start sweating from every pore of the skin.
  • Rinse your skin and drink 2 – 3 large glasses of water to replenish the body.
  • Prefer to do this detox bath at night and sleep well to get relief from cold, cough, flu and sinusitis.
  • Continue this detox bath regularly for 3 days, if symptoms persist.


8. Onion & Garlic:

Garlic & onion are full packed with antioxidants, antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to fight against the virus causing cold and flu.

Allicin is a strong compound which appears soon after you sliced open the onion or garlic and before it is cooked.

Methods to use Garlic for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • If you’re unable to consume a whole garlic clove then hold a slice of this garlic clove in your mouth and suck the juice for about 15 minutes.
  • Mince 1 – 2 cloves of garlic and mix it in 1 glass of water. Stir well and drink it.
  • Simply place the finely minced garlic cloves on a piece of fruit and cover it with raw honey. Consume it to get rid of cold, cough and sore throat.

Methods to use Onion for Cough, Cold and Flu:

  • Place sliced onions all around the house (especially in the room where the sufferer is staying), as it is an old belief that onion will attract the bacteria and cleanse the air to prevent the infection.
  • Simply place sliced onions (raw) in a jar and pour organic honey over it and leave it for overnight. Then take 1 teaspoon of this juice in the next day like a cold and cough syrup to get rid of the problem.
  • Also, use more onions in your cooking when you’re sick until you get proper relief from the problem.

9. Ginseng:

Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine that used to increase the immune system to fight against the bacteria and virus. In a study, it stated that ginseng extracts will help to raise the immunity and prompted the body to send out the natural killer (NK) cells during a microbial invasion.

It helps to strengthen the body to combat diseases, endure physical tension and also increases the mental sharpness.  Asian and American ginseng contains more of the ginsenosides that have more of medical purposes.

Method to use Ginseng for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Use 400 milligrams of Panax ginseng daily for 4 months to boost up your immunity and to get rid of cold or flu.
  • If you’re using ginseng herb as a daily preventative then take the recommended dosage of 100 milligrams for twice daily.
  • Remember that over dosage of ginseng will interfere with a lot of pharmaceutical drugs and can be harmful to the body. So, it’s best to consult your doctor to know about the herbs or supplements you’re taking to get rid of this problem.

10. Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra):

Elderberry is widely used as antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that help to treat your upper respiratory infections and allergies. In a study published in the BioMed Central’s Journal in 2011, it is found that this elderberry is very effective in defending the influenza virus, certain gram positive and gram negative infections along with MRSA.

This herb helps for proper blood circulation and protect the inside layer of blood vessels from stress and anxiety with its anthocyanins content. The berries and flowers of this elderflower herb are only used for medicinal purposes and the berries must be cooked before using. The bark, roots, and leaves should be avoided due to its toxicity.

Method to use Elderberry for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Edible elderberry is generally available in different forms like lozenges, tea, and syrup. However, the recommended dosage will differ by depending on the form which you’re using for treating this problem. So, consult your herbalist or doctor to know the correct dosage to clear the upper respiratory problems.
  • If you’re using this elderberry herb to combat flu, cough or cold then you have to use it within 48 hours of any symptoms to get complete relief.

11. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus):

Eucalyptus essential oil and its leaves have endless benefits, as they are used to treat pain, infections, diabetes, cancer, digestive problems, upper respiratory infections, sore throat, cold, flu, dermatitis, asthma, etc.

In a study, it is proved that Eucalyptus globulus natural antibiotic effect will help to combat the gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) and gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus), which are life threatening (resilience against antibiotics) for people those who have weakened the immune system.

Method to use Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Eucalyptus oil can be used either topical (or) a spray (or) a humidifier additive (or) as an aromatherapy (or) inhale it in the form of the stream to get rid of the problem.
  • Use it regularly till you get complete relief from this cold, cough and flu.

12. Goldenseal:

Goldenseal exhibits antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help to boost up the immune system, clear the congestion and fight against the virus causing cold and flu along with soothing the irritated throat.

It activates the spleen, which helps to defense fighting cells to clear the infection. Goldenseal contains Berberine that activates macrophages (specialized white blood cells that attack virus, bacteria and cancer cells) to clear the problem.

Method to use Goldenseal for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • The recommended dosage of goldenseal will be 10 – 15 drops for 2 to 3 times daily for 10 days to get cleared from this problem.

13. Vitamin D:

We all know that vitamin D is the only vitamin produced by our body in sufficient amounts and it gets multiplied after its exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D is essential to make calcium move into the bones and boost the immunity to clear the germs causing the infection in the respiratory tract. Also, many researchers have stated that vitamin D blocks the replication of multiple strains of the flu and thereby reduces the risk of the flu by 50%.

So, try to get at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight per day and also consume food that is rich in vitamin D or take its supplements for the proper functioning of the body.

Method to use Vitamin D for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • If you’re planning to take vitamin D in supplements then make sure that you should get D3 (Cholecalciferol) but not D2 (ergocalciferol) and the recommended daily dosage will be 2000 IU.

14. Zinc:

The intake of zinc has proved scientifically that it reduces the symptoms of cold and flu effectively. It is responsible for the proper functioning of 3000 proteins in the body and also helps to maintain proper blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Method to use zinc for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • The recommended dosage of zinc is at least 75 milligrams per day till you get relief from cold. Also, zinc is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

15. Ginger:

Ginger exhibits antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties that help to clear the cold, cough and flu. It also helps to boost the immune system, warm up your body and helps to get rid of the toxins in the lungs and sinuses.

It acts as an excellent remedy to treat the respiratory illness like a cough, cold, asthma, upper respiratory problems, etc. It fights off the germs causing cold or flu and clears the congestion. It has a soothing effect on the body and aids in proper digestion along with relieving the feeling of nauseous.

Methods to use Ginger for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Pour 1 cup of freshly peeled and sliced ginger, 1 pear and 1 lemon (with some rind) in a pot filled with water. Boil it for at least an hour and turn off the heat. Stir well by adding raw honey and drink it to get relief from the problem.
  • Simply chew some ginger slices or a mix of ginger and honey to get relief from upper respiratory problems.
  • You can also take ginger supplements after consulting your doctor for proper dosage.

16. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is an effective spice for treating respiratory and digestive problems. However, most people believe that cinnamon as a sweet holiday spice but it is also packed with many nutrients like calcium, manganese, and fiber.

It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which help to clear congestion, controls blood sugar, protects against the heart diseases, improves colon health and boosts up your brain function.

There are two kinds of cinnamon – Ceylon Cinnamon (pure, sweeter and more nutrient dense) and Cassia Cinnamon (cheap and toxic when taken in large amounts). It is low in calories and acts as a natural sugar substitute.

Methods to use Cinnamon for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of raw honey in 1/4 teaspoon of organic Ceylon cinnamon. Stir well and consume it to get rid of cold, flu and cough. Take it twice daily till you get complete relief from the problem.
  • You can also prepare a tea that consists of honey, lemon juice, cinnamon and ginger and have it.

17. Oregano Oil:

Oregano is a natural antibiotic and its oil contains natural chemicals called carvacrol and terpene, which fight off the virus, bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites causing infection.

In a study, it is proved that oregano oil has a robust reaction against the germs that effectively kill the salmonella and E. coli infections. So, regular usage of this oregano will help to clear the congestion and relieves you from these health problems.

Method to use Oregano Oil for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Take 2 – 3 drops of oregano oil with a glass of water to wash it down. Consume it 3 times a day until your cold and flu have cleared.
  • Remember that certain oregano oils don’t get diluted easily. So, it is advised to pour 5 – 6 drops of this oil into an empty vegetarian capsule and take it 3 times daily for the duration of cold or flu.

18. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that exhibit antiviral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which are used to clear the microbes, toxins and other impurities causing infection. It also cleanses the liver and gets converted into energy.

It has lauric acid that helps to destroy the virus, bacteria, pathogens causing the flu, herpes, liver diseases, sinus infections, ringworm, lung problems and other life-threatening infections. The saturated fats in coconut oil help to maintain proper cholesterol levels by reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good cholesterol).

Method to use Coconut Oil for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Consume 1 – 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil daily to maintain a good immune system. Be sure to take 2 tablespoons at the first sign of your cold or flu to prevent the spread or further health problem.

19. Nasal Rinse:

Nasal irrigation is a very effective remedy for treating your cold, cough or flu. It clear and unclogs the nasal passageways by removing the debris and irritants.

It also helps to soothe the inflamed mucous lining and moisturize the nasal passageway to get rid of the infection effectively.

Methods to use Nasal Rinse for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 6 – 8 drops of betadine and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water. Stir well and pour this mix into a neti pot or a bulb syringe. Use it to rinse out each nostril with this mix. Repeat this nasal irrigation for thrice daily.
  • For additional benefits, you can add 1 – 2 drops of diluted oregano oil (antimicrobial) to this mix before using.

20. Green Tea:

We all know that green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. Regular intake of green tea will help for prolonged life without much health problems. It has 6 different kinds of antioxidants that make it as an effective antiviral drink, which in turn, helps to fight against the cold or flu -causing germs.

It has certain compounds like Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), flavonoids, catechins (reduces free radicals), chlorophyll (blood cleanser), L-theanine (boosts energy and reduces anxiety) and theophylline (opens your airways) will help to keep you healthy by enhancing your immune system.

It helps to fight against the cold & flu causing virus along with soothing the irritated throat and clears congestion to get rid of the problem.

Methods to use Green Tea for Cold, Cough, and Flu:

  • Place 1 green tea bag in 1 cup of warm water and dip the bag for several times to get infused. Drink that green tea for once or twice daily.
  • If you’re already drinking this green tea then make it as your daily routine
  • Simply mix 1 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder in 1 cup of warm filtered water. Have this green tea daily to boost up your immunity and thereby to relieve your cold, cough, and flu.

21. Foods to Avoid:

Even diet will play an important role in clearing these upper respiratory problems. So, follow the below-mentioned diet to get clear the infection and to boost up your immunity.

  • Fatty foods, processed/refined foods, dairy products, oily foods, etc. should be excluded from your diet when you’re not feeling ill.
  • A diet which is high in sugar will suppress your immune system and also they cause even more inflammation throughout the body.
  • Consume lean proteins, herbal teas, broth-based soups, bland or easy to digest foods to enhance the immune power and clears congestion.
  • People who smoke are more susceptible to developing these respiratory infections and smoking also drags out the period of cold and thereby worsens its symptoms.
  • Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids along with vitamin C rich foods to stay hydrated and to enhance your immunity to fight against the problem.


Final Word:

If you want to avoid getting any cold, flu or a cough in this winter or cold season, then you have to take proper care of your immune system along with following the above mentioned natural home remedies. Build a strong immunity and don’t forget to share your experiences with us in the below comments box.

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