8 Results Of Drinking Coke Daily


8 Results Of Drinking Coke Daily

Numerous recent studies demonstrate that drinking soda on a daily basis can negatively impact your nutritional intake without you even realizing it. The strongest arguments against regularly consuming Coca-Cola were compiled by Healthli.

8. Vitamin deficiency

The phosphoric acid contained in Coke along with caffeine, which has a diuretic effect, starts washing nutrients and vitamins out of your body 60 minutes after you had the drink. Imagine that happening every day. That’s how a vitamin deficiency starts.


7. Dental erosion

The high acidity and sugary ingredients of Coca-Cola cause tooth enamel and cavities. If you add in low levels of calcium due to vitamin deficiency, you can end up with your teeth rotting inside and outside. And it won’t take long.


6. Anxiety

Along with sleep deprivation, anxiety is a side effect of consuming caffeine. Each can of Coke contains the same amount of caffeine as a cup of strong coffee. It is also proven to be very addictive, so once you decide to cut your dose you might experience headaches, irritability, fatigue, or even depression.


5. Obesity

When we talk about extra weight, it’s not so much about how you look but more about how you feel. Excess weight is not a problem by itself, but it increases the pressure on your immune and cardiovascular system as well as your joints and bones, which are already weakened by a lack of calcium.


4. Skin problems

Drinking Coke every day has the same impact on your skin as smoking. Consuming soda has an inflammatory effect on the body due to high levels of sugar. It dehydrates the skin, emphasizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It accelerates skin aging, making it saggy and dull. It also exaggerates eczema, or very dry, itchy, inflamed skin, and acne.


3. Heart and blood problems

An increased level of bad cholesterol increases the chances of a heart attack. If you have only 1 can of Coke a day, you can already start suffering from high blood pressure. And women consuming these amounts of Coca-Cola are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Are you sure it’s worth it?


2. Risk of cancer 

We are not saying you’ll get cancer if you drink Coke every day. But, due to the presence of benzene molecules in Coca-Cola and its plastic package, doctors recommend sticking to 1 can of Coke a week to reduce the risk of cancer.


1. Kidney failure 

If you think that choosing the diet version of Coke is safer, then we are about to disappoint you. Zero sugar Coke probably doesn’t contain sugar at all. Instead, it contains artificial sweeteners that are way too unhealthy for your kidneys. Especially if you are addicted to having it every day.

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