Many women are looking for ways to get slim thighs and buttocks. A slim body look great when you step out in a new dress or pair of jean.
1. Clockwork Lunge:
How to Do
- Stand with hands on your hips and feet hip-width apart.
- Take a big step forward with your right foot and lower down until your right leg is bent 90° and your
- left knee is nearly touching the floor. Push back up to starting position.
- Take a big step to the right with your right foot, bending the right knee and keeping the left leg
- straight. Return to the starting position.
- Take a big step back with your right foot. Lower until left leg is bent 90° and right knee is almost touching the floor.
- Rep with the left foot, stepping to the front, then to the left side, then back. That’s one set. Do 15 sets.
2. Stability Ball Leg Lifts:
This is one of the easy-to-do exercises for slimmer thigh that includes a stability ball. This stability ball exercise makes the inner thigh workouts a bit more challenging. It helps to tone the core and inner thighs.
- Lie on your side with your arms kept crossed in front of your body, and a stability ball placed your feet.
- Gently lift the ball up towards the ceiling using your hips and butt and then return to the starting position.
- This makes 1 repetition. Complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
3. Froggy Squats:
This fun movement is a fat burner as well and it is very good for your heart and general fitness.
How to do:
- First you have to spread your feet beyond shoulder width apart.
- Now place your hands in front of your body and inhale while you go down and exhale when you go up.
- The important point you should note is that you have to push hips back with out bending your knees and folding them towards your toes.
- You can do this exercise for about 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Side-Lying Double Leg Lifts:
This is a variation on leg lifts with a twist to add extra focus on those inner-thighs. Basically you are using one leg to lift the weight of your other leg. Working the inner-thighs of both in the process.
How to Do:
- Using a mat find a comfortable spot to lay down on your side.
- Extend your arm nearest to the floor out straight, as if you were reaching for something.
- Hold your legs together and slowly raise them both as far as you can comfortably do so.
- Keep your toes pointed forwards, and control the movements slowly.
- The form you want to keep is your upper body flat to the floor, and pivoting at the hips only.
- Hold the position for 1-2 seconds when your legs are elevated, then slowly return them to the floor. 1-2 sets of 15 reps per side is ideal.
5. Side and Cross-Over Lunges:
This exercise will help you to tone your inner thighs as it hits them from different directions.
How to Do:
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take your left foot making a wide side-step.
- Bend your right knee so you push your hips behind you when you are stepping aside.
- Your right leg remains extended as you move your body weight on your left side.
- Touch the ground with your finger tips so your arms on either side of the left foot.
- Return to standing position. Perform 1 set for each leg, 10-15 repetitions.
- For the classic lunges, stand with your right leg forward and left leg back.
- Then slowly bend the knees until both legs are nearly at right angles. Then push back up to starting position.
- Remember to keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes. Perform 1 set for each leg, 10-15 repetitions.
6. Mountain Climbers:
How to Do:
- You should begin by standing and bend over forward.
- Place hands on the floor/mat and slide your legs back. This brings you to the plank position.
- Rapidly move your left knee forward as close to your chest as you can and back again.
- Repeat this on your right side. Now bring the left knee out to your left side toward your arm pit. Bring
- your leg back so that you are in the plank position and repeat this movement on the right side.
- Once you have gone through all four of these movements, stand up. Drop down and repeat at quickly as you can!
7. Squat Jumps:
How to Do:
- Keeping your back straight, sit with hands on your head & feet kept apart.
- Now, jump up and get back to the starting position.
- Try to perform at least 3 sets of 15 exercises.
- While doing this exercise, tighten your abdominal muscles so that you can balance yourself while
- you’re jumping and landing on your toes.
8. Prone Leg Circles:
Prone Leg Circles for this particular issue because it tones the lower back as well as the buttocks, hamstrings and inner and outer thighs,
How To Do:
- Lay face down with your legs out straight and your forehead resting on the backs of your hands.
- Pull your abs in. Zip your thighs together and lift your legs a few inches off the floor.
- Next, moving from the hips, make small circles with your legs in opposite directions.
- Circle 8 times, then reverse the direction and do 8 more circles.
- Repeat the pattern twice more, then rest by pushing your butt back into Child’s Pose and holding for 30 seconds