21-day Diet Plan to Realistically Lose 10 Pounds Weight

21-day Diet Plan to Realistically Lose 10 Pounds Weight

Each new diet is already commonly exploited in the media space as a new fashion line, you must have noticed it when you’ve entered the world of weight loss. What you will notice will find all kinds of fitness and health centers that give you reliability for fast weight loss with unrealistic results, even on the Internet, you will find various diet diets that will claim to give you high results in a short period of time.

But there is no easy way to lose weight, so you need to set yourself a realistic goal for yourself and that’s why we recommend that you try this 3-week diet and exercise plan that will help you lose 10 pounds. In this article, we suggest you follow this plan for 21 days and you will notice the difference in your body.


First, let’s show you what the diet is for the first day, then how can you expand it on the rest of the other days.


Combine healthy fats whit rich fiber so you can have slices of bread with avocados full of wheat and give a 30-minute gap and take a glass of oolong tea for detoxification to your body.


We recommend you, in the middle of the morning, have a bowl full of berries or fruits of medium size like apple, guava or kiwi, and you can also have a bowl full of watermelons.


So the food we recommend here can be eaten for lunch or dinner, but you have to make sure that you do not have egg and meat in the same meal, so keep in mind is not eating meat every day. So limit their intake to 2 to 3 times a week and also limit your milk consumption to no more than 2 to 3 times a week. And this is the food you can consume for the next 3 weeks for lunch and dinner.

  • ½ cup of kidney beans / black beans/garbanzo/pinto/lima or lens of your choice.
  • 2 tablespoons of seeds of flaxseed or tea
  • Olive oil, not more than 2 tablespoons
  • 1 egg or lean meat like fish or chicken, avoid red meat.

You can have vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, peas, spinach, coat, radish, celery and cabbage in unlimited quantities.

Avoid foods rich in starch, such as potatoes.

A glass of fat-free milk with cheese and 1 cup of Greek yogurt.


1 cup of oolong tea after ½ an hour of lunch.


You can either have a few nuts such as almonds, pistachios or walnuts or teaspoon peanut butter.
This diet plan has many options for varying the food you can choose, but still, follow the diet by consuming the food according to the given instructions and consciously green tea and post lunch. You need to follow this diet 21 days to get maximum results.



But there are also foods that you must avoid, so be sure to avoid the following foods:

  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks (consumed only water and oolong tea)
  • Sugar food
  • Foods with high sodium content
  • Fried foods



We also suggest, in addition to the above-mentioned diet plan, to follow the training plan to burn extra calories. So, you should follow the exercise plan to dissolve fat from your body.


You can choose one form of simple cardio exercises to warm your body, as these exercises can be exchanged for 21 days to break the monotone routine.


It’s your choice what you can do, it can be uphill running or run on a treadmill or even simply running in the parks, but the important is that will increase your heart rate and speed up your metabolism.


Just as well as running, brisk walking also pumps the blood in your heart and helps you lose some kilogram, so give 1 hour for brisk walking to get the desired results.


Also, after you have finished warming exercises, you need to do bodyweight training exercises. This will include 6 sets

  • 20 squats
  • 25 jumping jacks,
  • 40 seconds
  • 20 pushups and 15 burpees.

You need to follow corner exercises that require much less exercise space and do 4 sets of 3 minutes of running in one place and 1 minute of squats or any other exercise of your choice.



Then do 30 minutes of weight lifting exercises to boost your muscles, and this includes

  • Bent-over barbell row
  • Goblet squat with a dumbbell/kettlebell
  • Deadlift
  • Reverse lunge and press
  • Overhead press
  • Dumbbell curl

These above exercises will not only strengthen your body, but everyone will take you in shape, so you should follow these exercises in various combinations with cardio training to break the monotony.



So we’ve already shown you how to lose 10 pounds for a 21 day, so now only a checklist that reminds you of the diet and exercise regimen.

  • 2 cups of oolong tea
  • ½ avocado
  • 3 servings of proteins
  • Vegetables in as many quantities as you like
  • 2 servings of fruits
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil and
  • A handful of nuts.

Then exercise for 30 minutes every day.
You should avoid aerated drinks, fried foods, foods with high sodium content, red meat, sugar in all forms and processed food.

You only have to follow the plan according to the given instructions and notice that you have a better body for 21 days.

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