The Point Of A Hundred Diseases

The Point Of A Hundred Diseases

The purpose of a hundred ailments is our subject. As per an old Japanese legend, a dad gave his child colossally significant information that he had gained from his very own dad. He uncovered the mystery of a point that can prompt a life span, as it can forestall a hundred maladies. The child pursued his dad's recommendation and consistently kneaded this point on his body.

As his dad guaranteed, this training has helped the child live sufficiently long to see the birth and demise of numerous heads. 

Our body contains 365 points and 12 noteworthy meridians, the equivalent in number to the days and months in a year. Pressure point massage depends on the arrangement of these meridians and channels and their connection to various body organs. Pressure point massage incorporates the technique of squeezing certain parts of the body with the fingers.

Chinese medication views the body as a vitality framework, and the back rub of these body focuses will impact the progression of vitality in the body, and it will lift and upgrade the capacity of the body organs.

Today, we will uncover a standout amongst the most significant body focuses, called "the purpose of life span" in China and "the purpose of a hundred ailments" by the Japanese.

The back rub of this point, Zu San Li, will decelerate the maturing procedure, and it will counteract various ailments and secure your wellbeing.

Its area is beneath the kneecap, and it can be found without much of a stretch. Spot your hands on the knees, your left hand on the left knee, and your right hand on the right knee, and you will discover this point between the closures of your ring finger and the pinky, between the bones.

One more method to find the Zu San Li point is to firmly press your feet on the ground while sitting on the floor. Your heels ought to stay down. Under your knee, there is a spot that is somewhat higher, and when you press its most noteworthy point, you have discovered this surprising point.


This point is likewise called "the purpose of a hundred infections', as it precisely has the ability to enable your body to battle innumerate issues and wellbeing conditions.

In particular, it is in charge of the guidelines for the elements of all organs in the lower portion of the body. Zu San Li additionally controls the spinal line, which is accountable for the great capacity of the regenerative framework, kidneys, organs, and gastrointestinal and stomach-related tracts.

Adrenal organs are vital for the typical working of the body and its wellbeing, as they discharge essential hormones, including adrenaline and hydrocortisone, into the circulation system. Additionally, the back rub of the Zu San Li point will likewise have useful impacts in numerous different cases, for example, blockage, gastritis, urinary incontinence, weakness, and hiccups.

Aside from that, this point can be exceptionally helpful in taking out uneasiness, stress, and pressure; it will keep up an internal equalization and will build your certainty. The San Li point has an animating impact as well.

This helpful back rub additionally advances weight reduction. However, note that you ought to do it at night in this situation, yet be exceptionally cautious. You can utilize ½ kg seven days.

The standard back rub of this unprecedented Zu San Li point has the accompanying impacts too: 

  • Manages and lifts the insusceptible framework; 
  • Counteracts aggravation; 
  • Glucose and insulin guidelines; 
  • Lifts assimilation; 
  • Treat gastrointestinal ailments; 
  • It mitigates stroke symptoms. 


Back rub of the Zu San Li Point Instructions 

Before you start to knead this point, you need to set aside some effort to unwind. It is ideal to sit while rubbing. Breathe deeply and focus on your enthusiastic state. This will mark the beginning of a wonderful, recuperating, and profound procedure that will reestablish the amicability of your body and psyche.

You should rub the point with round developments clockwise multiple times on every leg. It isn't mandatory that you do this back rub toward the beginning of the day after having your lunch, as if done before sleep time, it can prompt a sleeping disorder. The entire methodology of rubbing the Zu San Li point should keep going for 10 minutes.

The message ought to be done either with your fingers, or you can utilize grain oats like buckwheat, oats, rice, and so forth, or garlic cloves.

Cut the garlic clove down the middle and apply it to this inexplicable point, and drop it to represent 2 hours, or until you see that the skin has turned somewhat red.

The incitement of this stunning point all through the entire day can offer numerous beneficial outcomes. For example, on the off chance that you knead the Zu San Li point clockwise in the first part of the day, 8 days before the New Moon, you will invigorate the invulnerable framework, improve the capacity of the body organs, and renew the body.

Besides, on the off chance that you rub this point just before lunch, you will build your memory, improve your basic tone, and improve the wellbeing of your cardiovascular and stomach-related framework.

It truly works, and I put forth a concentrated effort. In the event that you like this post, at that point, please share it and stick it on Pinterest.

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