20 High-Protein Vegetables Even Meat-Lovers Love

20 High-Protein Vegetables Even Meat-Lovers Love

It's true that eating more vegetables would require you to consume the same amount of protein as a tiny piece of meat. However, this does not imply that plants are the only source of protein. On the contrary, Anyone looking to increase their intake of protein should be aware of the numerous vegetables that have a significant protein content.

It has been demonstrated that eating a wide range of plants produces a diverse array of bacteria in the gut, or microbiome. There might be advantages to your health from this. We've talked about the mental health benefits of gardening in general and getting your hands dirty in the soil.

If that’s not enough reason to grow a garden consider how great of a resource it is to turn a renewable product such as seeds (you can regrow as many as you need) into an edible protein source. Turn one single, tiny seed into 100s of grams of protein. This could mean life or death when faced with a collapse-like scenario.

Without further ado, the following vegetables take the cake for plant-based protein sources. My absolute favorite is green beans, and just look at how much protein they contain!

These Vegetables Contain Protein

Amaranth Leaves

One serving has 2.79 grams of protein


Over 10 grams of fiber and 3.5 grams of protein.


2.16 grams of protein and only 20 calories per 6 spears

Bok Choy

2.65 grams of protein per cup.


About 2 grams protein per ½ cup serving of steamed broccoli.

Brussels sprouts

4 grams of protein per cup.

Butternut squash

One cup contains 1.84 grams of protein.


1.14 grams of protein per ½ cup serving


1.25 grams of protein


Over 4 grams of protein per ear


1 gram of protein per serving

French green beans

12.48 grams of protein per cup (and over 16 grams of fiber!)

Green pepper

One small pepper contains about 0.6 grams of protein.


2.47 grams of protein per 1 cup serving.

Lima bean

14 grams of protein and 13 grams fiber per cup


3 grams of protein per serving


2 grams of protein per cup


9 grams of protein per cup


More than 4 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber per serving

Sweet potatoes

2.29 grams of protein per serving. They also contain Vitamin A and plenty of antioxidants!

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