This Ingredient Can Treat Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Gastritis And Ulcers Immediately!

This Ingredient Can Treat Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Gastritis And Ulcers Immediately!

We're going to demonstrate to you today how to make a fantastic remedy for digestive issues like acid reflux, gastritis, heartburn, and ulcers. Sweet potatoes are the main component of the recipe and have a long history of use in the treatment of various digestive issues.

An inflammation of the stomach lining called gastritis can produce pain and heartburn. In severe cases, internal bleeding due to gastritis may occur if treatment is not received. You should be aware that there is a natural treatment for gastritis that can relieve pain and cure the condition entirely without the need for prescription drugs. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 1 medium-sized sweet potato
  • 600 ml. of water



Peel and slice the sweet potato, then add it to a bowl of water. Now, mix the ingredients in a blender, then strain the mixture through a gauze. Press the mixture through the gauze with clean hands to obtain the liquid, and then leave it in a bowl for 2 hours. Afterwards, strain the liquid and there should be sweet potato flour on the bottom of the bowl. Collect the flour and leave it to dry out in the sun if possible. Once it’s dry, put the flour in a clean and dry glass jar and close it with a lid.



Add a teaspoon of the sweet potato flour in 200 ml. of water and stir well, then drink a glass of the mixture before lunch and dinner. This will help you treat gastritis, heartburn and ulcers naturally and in just a short time. Try the remedy yourself and you will be amazed by the results!


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