Among the body's most beneficial organs is the colon. In addition to eliminating toxins, it also takes in sodium and water to maintain steady electrolyte levels. Should its operation be compromised, your body will be negatively impacted. A malfunctioning colon will enable waste to build up inside the body, leading to a host of issues.
The intestines process more than 30 000 l. of liquids and more than 100 tons of food through our lifetime, which means that they process a huge amount of waste as well. This waste may accumulate in the body and poison our blood, slowly damaging the body from inside. If left untreated, toxins can cause numerous serious diseases including colon cancer. This type of cancer is highly deadly and kills more people than prostate cancer and AIDS every year.
How to clean the colon
Just by going to the bathroom doesn’t mean that your colon will be completely cleaned. In order to clean your colon, you must perform a colon cleansing at least twice a year. This can be done with the juice we’re going to show you today. It contains apples and ginger which will resolve numerous digestive problems and keep your colon clean. The juice also contains lemon juice, which will boost your digestion, detox your body and contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that can clean your body. Here’s how to prepare the juice:
- ½ a cup of apple juice
- ½ a cup of water
- 1 teaspoon of ginger powder
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- ½ a teaspoon of sea salt
Put the water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil, then leave it to cool down a bit and pour it in a cup. Next, add the sea salt and mix until it dissolves. Add the apple juice, ginger and fresh lemon juice next and mix again. Drink a cup of the mixture every morning on an empty stomach, and follow it with another cup before your snack and in the mid-afternoon.
The colon cleanse can be safely performed by anyone. However, we suggest consulting a doctor before starting the therapy if you’re pregnant or suffering from some chronic disease or allergies. Some medications may interfere with the function of the drink. Avoid taking it if you’re diabetic due to the high content of natural sugar in apple juice. The treatment should be followed up to a week at most.