Potato Juice Can Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Gastritis And Hypertension

Potato Juice Can Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Gastritis And Hypertension

Maintaining health and avoiding illnesses isn't as hard as people believe. It just comes down to choosing to eat healthily and sticking to certain routines. While there are many foods that can naturally shield us from illness, potatoes are thought to be the most effective. Potatoes are not just tasty, but they are also loaded with health advantages. Numerous studies have confirmed that they can treat a wide range of illnesses, including cancer. One study found that potato juice can be used to combat various cancer types and ultimately eradicate the deadly illness.

Potatoes are a great source of energy due to the high carb content. They can help our body function properly and feed it with essential nutrients. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C which will boost your immune system, as well as antioxidants which will repair your body. The vegetable also contains folic acid, vitamins from the B group, magnesium, potassium and iron, minerals that will boost your brain function and prevent the development of kidney stones.

Here are the top health benefits of potato juice:

Regulates cholesterol and blood pressure

Potato juice contains certain compounds which can regulate the levels of cholesterol in your blood and prevent cancer. The juice also contains phytochemicals, vitamins and flavonoids that can prevent cardiovascular disease and protect your arteries from inflammation.


Whitens the skin and heals burns

Besides preventing cancer, potato juice can whiten your skin and relieve blemishes and dark spots. It can also be used to heal burns.


Prevents premature aging

Potatoes can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your skin soft and shiny. The can also reduce dark circles under the eyes.


Treats gastritis

According to numerous studies, potato juice can treat and prevent numerous serious disease such as gastritis. Dr. John Lesindzer suggests taking a tablespoon of potato juice diluted with some water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner in order to treat the disease. He also recommends consuming half a dl. of potato juice on an empty stomach, then half of the amount 30 minutes before lunch and dinner to treat duodenal and stomach ulcers.


Treats respiratory diseases

According to Dr. John Tucakov, potato juice can be of great help in the treatment of pulmonary and respiratory diseases. He says that the remedy had very promising results against emphysema in some of his studies.



The Buddhist monk Tomizawa, author of the book “The road to a healthy lifestyle: cancer, nothing to fear…”, suggests that consuming 250 ml. of potato juice daily can prevent cancer in 90% of people who try it. Dr. Kagamine, professor of medicine at the University of Akita in Japan studied the properties of the juice as well, and was able to isolate a rare substance that is responsible for the juice’s anti-cancer properties. This substance effectively suppressed the growth of tumor cells in mice, and the results of the study were presented at a cancer congress held in Germany.


Here are some tips you need to follow before preparing the juice:

  • Always drink potato juice fresh after preparation;
  • Make sure the potatoes you’ve bought are as fresh as possible;
  • Don’t peel the potatoes – use them whole. Wash them very well before preparation;
  • Always try to find organic vegetables;
  • When buying potatoes, make sure they aren’t dehydrated and don’t contain spots;
  • Avoid buying green or sprouted potatoes, as they contain a toxin called solanine that can accumulate in the body and cause nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain and headaches.


Here’s how to prepare the juice:

Wash 2 medium-sized potatoes well, then cut them into slices and wrap them in a cloth. Next, squeeze the potatoes well or put them in a blender to obtain the juice. Dilute the juice with some water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach as well as before lunch or dinner. You can also mix the potato juice with fruit and vegetable juices as well as honey. Drink the juice for 30 days to prevent cancer, then take a 2-week break and continue with the treatment for another month.


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