Eat 2 tbs of Coconut Oil Twice a Day for 60 Days and This Will Happens to Your Brain!

Eat 2 tbs of Coconut Oil Twice a Day for 60 Days and This Will Happens to Your Brain!

Dr. Mary Newport has presented a theory that has many advantages! It might also help in the infamous Alzheimer's disease battle.

According to Dr. Newport's theory, coconut oil has a significant impact on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. She has actually experienced Alzheimer's disease firsthand.

Steve, her spouse, battled Alzheimer's for a minimum of five years. He was barely fifty years old. "He was in a fog many days, often for several days in a row; he couldn't find a spoon or remember how to get water out of the refrigerator," says Dr. Mary Newport.

One day I would ask if a certain call came that I was expecting and he would say ‘No.’ Two days later he would remember the message from so-and-so from a couple of days earlier and what they said.”

When Steve was treated, all he resulted in was depression. This is a common side effect of the medications prescribed for the disease.

He eventually forgot how to do everyday tasks like use a calculator and cook. He spent most of his days working in the garage and in the yard.

Due to the side effects of the medications he lost interest in his favorite hobbies. However, Dr. Newport found hope in an alternative treatment.

Dr. Newport discovered that medium chain triglycerides or ketone bodies have been cropping up a lot in Alzheimer’s studies recently. They are thought to not only treat, but prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Newport explains, “Ketone bodies may help the brain recover after a loss of oxygen in newborns through adults, may help the heart recover after an acute attack, and may shrink cancerous tumors. Children with drug-resistant epilepsy sometimes respond to an extremely low carbohydrate ketogenic diet.”


Dr. Newport’s discovery; Coconut oil. Coconut oil has a high content of ketone bodies. She began to implement a daily dose of coconut oil to her husband. 60 days later, Steve was happy, alert, talkative, and even joking!

He had begun to grow a tremor, but it was significantly reduced after the treatment! One year on from the start of her husband’s treatment, Dr. Newport says she sees him as a different person.

Although he has difficulty in finding some words, she notes, he recognized relatives on a family trip, participated actively in conversations, and his facial expressions were more animated.

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