10 Horrifying Reasons You Should Never Let Your Children Drink Soda

10 Horrifying Reasons You Should Never Let Your Children Drink Soda

Soda, with its fizzy appeal and sweet taste, has become a staple in many households. Unfortunately, the seemingly harmless beverage poses serious threats to the health and well-being of children. While the occasional soda may seem harmless, consistent consumption can lead to a myriad of health issues. Here are 10 horrifying reasons why you should think twice before allowing your children to drink soda.


Drinking Soda Harms The Child’s Brain

Children’s brains are constantly developing throughout adolescence. So it needs protection and the proper nutrition. When a child consume soda, (which is very acidic) they are taking in chemicals that are modifying their brain structure. Chemicals in soda like aspartame, MSG, artificial flavors and other toxins are linked to the development of brain diseases. In a study, researchers showed that drinking soda can damage the neurons in the brain and cause diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, brain damage, learning disorders, tumors development, and behavioral problems.


Soda Is Causing Children’s Teeth To Rot

Acid and sugar are very bad for teeth. The citric acid and sugar destroys tooth enamel and causing decay. Giving the fact that sugar is a very addictive substance, your children’s teeth can be damaged if you allow them to get hooked on the beverage.


Soda Is A Major Factor In Childhood Diabetes

In a study, mice that consumed aspartame and other artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas, developed glucose intolerance. Glucose intolerance development is an early sign of type 2 diabetes. According to the study, drinking a 12 ounce can of soda a day can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%.

Soda Weakens Children’s Bones

Soda contains phosphorus, which is a substance that leads to bone loss. Drinking soda can also deplete bones of much needed calcium. When a child drinks a soda that is full of caffeine, it interferes with the absorption of calcium and bone density.


Soda Contribute To Some Children’s Bad Behavior

Bad behavior issues from children is linked to soda drinking. According to a survey that involved 3000 mothers, their children were more aggressive, withdrawn, and had trouble paying attention, when they consumed soda compared to when they didn’t drink the beverage.

Soda Doesn’t Have Any Nutritional Value

Soda doesn’t provide any important nutrition to children’s bodies. It only possess empty calories and sugar that can suppress the appetite. Drinking soda may cause kids to eat less of the foods and important minerals their bodies need to function properly.


Soda Is Very Addictive

Caffeine is the the most addictive, mood-altering drug in the world, says a report from Johns Hopkins. According to the study, caffeine produces a physical dependency and alters people’s moods when they don’t drink it. Soda has a substantial amount of caffeine in it, which leads to dependency in children when they drink it. Some studies claim that children are even more susceptible to caffeine’s effect due to their smaller body weight.

Soda Can Make A Child Overweight

In a study of 3-5-year-old children, scientist determined that when a child drink sugary sodas that it significantly increased the likelihood of childhood obesity. In addition, children who ate fatty or sweet foods were more inclined to be overweight overall.

Soda Can Lead To Heart Disease

Only one soda a day can increase the risk of a cardiovascular event by 61%, according to studies. That same daily serving of soda is also linked to a 19% increase in heart disease. When talking about children, heart disease isn’t a big topic of discussion, but if a child becomes hooked on soda over the span of their life, they will increase their risk of getting heart disease.

Soda Inhibits Proper Digestion

Soda and caffeine can lead to dehydration, because it can increase the level of acids in the stomach, which also leads to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), according to sources.


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