How I Lost 100+ Pounds With Healthy Eating

How I Lost 100+ Pounds With Healthy Eating

With healthy eating and few simple lifestyle changes, I healed my body and lost 110 pounds. How I lost 100+ pounds with healthy eating? Read on… here’s my story! 

All my life I lived an unhealthy lifestyle and struggled with excess weight. After my child’s birth, I started to gain weight even faster. My stressful job, unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits led me to total disaster. In summer 2014 I was literally on an edge. At that point, I weight 264 pounds, and I started to feel physically sick. I started to experience back pain and knees pain. I got shortness of breath and trouble with walking. My blood pressure and heart rate was high. I had zero energy. I was terribly depressed and very unhappy with my life. I was obese, unhappy and physically sick. I needed to change my life FAST or I knew I’ll end up in a hospital.



That summer I realized I need to change my life, but I didn’t know exactly how to start. I’ve already experienced the agony of various diets. None of them worked. Tasteless diet food, rigorous plans which I had to follow and then disappointment. I didn’t want to go through that again. Diets are the temporary solution, and this time, I wanted a permanent change of my lifestyle. I wanted to get my life back, to enjoy my life healthy and happy.


So I started to learn about healthy food and experimenting with healing spices. I’ve started eating REAL FOOD – fruits and veggies, and give up all the processed meat, added unhealthy refined sugars, store-bought food and anything processed. It was pretty drastic change for me at that time but it was the only way to get my life back. Also I started WALKING, doing yoga, and lead more active lifestyle.



In just six months, I restored back my energy and I started to feel amazing. Also, I’ve started losing weight which restored back my confidence. In year and half I’ve lost 110 POUNDS (50 kg). Yes it’s pretty amazing, but for me the biggest accomplishment is my complete lifestyle change. I’m HEALTHIER and HAPPIER person today. I feel great! This new healthy lifestyle really healed me.


Healthy eating is not just some short term diet – IT’S A LIFESTYLE. There’s no particular diet plan you have to stick with. No boring, tasteless food.

Healthy eating means eating natural fresh food, foods that are nutritionally rich and feeds your body, giving the body necessary energy. It also means eating food that cleanses the body and protects it. Healthy eating also implies to eat in moderation with intention – mindful.


If you take care of your body and keep it healthy, it will surely give you great things in return. I like to say that the “side effect” of a healthy lifestyle is losing weight and overall feeling better, so watch out… Soon you may find yourself feeling great and good about yourself, feeling full of energy and look stunning!


People started to get interested in my weight lose story. They wanted to know how I managed to improve my life in such a way. Since I know how difficult it is to start, especially when you don’t know where to begin, I started to write this blog. I wanted to share everything I’ve learned on my weight loss journey towards healthier and happier me.


This is not just another blog with recipes. On this blog I also share all my experience, tips and guidelines on how to eat healthy and feel awesome. I hope my story has motivated and encouraged some of you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Love to hear from you in comments too. 🙂

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