How To Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus in Chest and Throat Naturally

How To Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus in Chest and Throat Naturally

Once again, it's that time of year when a lot of us deal with issues like the flu, phlegm, mucus, etc. A small amount of mucus in the throat and chest is normal, and having too much mucus for a short time is also not a problem. However, if there is a persistently uncomfortable blockage in the chest coupled with other symptoms, you should consult a specialist.


Phlegm and Mucus In Chest And Throat

The human body uses mucus to form a protective lining, moisten certain areas to keep them from drying out, and fight off invaders like bacteria and viruses. Mucus of a kind produced in the lower respiratory tract and lungs is called phlegm.

If you experience nasal or throat blockage, which makes breathing difficult and coughing uncontrollable, Increased phlegm in the lungs causes these issues, which can later lead to fever, weakness, a runny nose, a persistent cough, and breathing difficulties.

If not treated, the excess phlegm can block the bronchial tubes and generate bigger problems, which are hard to treat with traditional medications. Luckily, there are some natural ways to get rid of mucus and phlegm, please check our tips and remedies to

General Tips To For Removing of Mucus & Phlegm

  • Drink extra fluids. Been hydrated is the key to keep the mucus thin, and help the sinuses to drain.
  • Use (saline) nasal spray. it will clear the allergens and mucus out of sinuses and nose.
  • Eat more fruits. a diet loaded in fiber from fruits, and possibly soy can aid you to lower the respiratory-related issues.
  • Apply wet and warm tower over the face. A simple soothing remedy to return moisture to the throat and nose. It also helps with sinus pain to relieve pressure and pain.
  • Keeping your head raised. Lying flat can increase discomfort, therefore, prop up some pillows behind your back or sit on a reclining chair.
  • Check for (seasonal) allergies as they lead to a runny nose and excess mucus/phlegm.
  • Don’t suppress the cough. It is the body’s mechanism of discharging the secretions out of the throat and lungs.
  • Spitting it out the phlegm is surely healthier than swallowing back in.
  • Keeping the air moist. Dry air can irritate the throat and nose creating more phlegm to form.
  • Salt Water Gargle may help to clear away residual mucus.
  • Avoid smoking it supports phlegm and mucus buildup.
  • Avoiding caffeine or alcohol as both leads to dehydration if taken in higher quantities, stick with tea instead.
  • Hot shower the steam from a hot shower will help clear or loosen mucus in the throat or nose.
  • Blowing the nose  It may be tempting to keep blowing until thick mucus comes out. Avoid, doing it forcefully because it may hurt the sinuses, causing pain or pressure.
  • Avoid foods that trigger acid reflux. Acid reflux can cause an increase in phlegm and mucus.


Natural Remedy to Get Rid Of Phlegm And Mucus

The mix of honey and lemon can soothe your irritated respiratory tract and deliver immediate relief. Honey is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent, and we can say the same for lemon also. This versatile fruit is rich in vitamin C which will strengthen your immune system and reduce congestion easily.



  • 1 tbsp of organic honey
  • 2 tbsp of lemon juice

Just mix the ingredients in a bowl and that’s it. Drink the mixture up to 3 times a day to fight the congestion and relieve the infection.



Ginger is a powerful decongestant and antihistamine that holds expectorant and antibacterial qualities. 

  • Ginger – 6 or 7 pieces
  • Black peppercorns 1 teaspoon
  • Water – 2 cups
  • Honey – 1 tbsp (optional)

Add 2 cups of water into a pan and heat it up, when the water starts to simmer, add 6-7 ginger chunks. Then add one teaspoon of (black) peppercorns. Let it boil for 2 extra minutes, and then let it simmer for 5 mins. Strain the mixture, add some honey and its ready for serving.

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