CHIA SEED OATS – To Regulate Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Lower Belly Fat

CHIA SEED OATS – To Regulate Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Lower Belly Fat

We can all agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so for the best start to the day, always maintain a nutritious and healthy breakfast. Oats and chia seeds make one of the healthiest breakfast combos ever. A breakfast of chia seed oats will provide you with ample "fuel" for the day. Additionally, this combination will help you burn unwanted fat deposits and encourage the loss of excess fat stored in the stomach.



Is rich in beta-glucan (soluble) fiber, which is useful in many ways. It reduces bad cholesterol, regulates blood sugar levels,  and improves cardiovascular health if eaten regularly. Moreover, oats are rich in fiber, proteins, and minerals.


Chia seeds

Are a rich burst of omega 6 and omega 3 fats and carries extra calcium than milk products and milk itself. Chia seeds promote heart health, lowers cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties and are antioxidant. It has regenerative qualities, delivering them as extremely useful for people undergoing arthritis.


What Do You need to prepare the chia seed oats breakfast?

  • Single cup oats
  • Two cups of water
  • Two teaspoons vanilla powder
  • One tsp cinnamon powder
  • Two tablespoons honey
  • Single pinch sea salt
  • Four tablespoons of chia seeds

Put the water, vanilla, and cinnamon in some pot and set on the heat until it boils. When it starts to boil, lower the heat and add the cup of oats. Let it boil for five minutes and remove from heat. Put the cover on and leave for five minutes to chill. Next, add honey ( by wish) and salt (also optional) and stir well. Pour the mix into a pot and while still hot then add the chia seeds on the end. If you are a big fan of oatmeal we suggest the oatmeal diet to lose up to 10 pounds in one week. Also, if you are a fan of chia seeds we suggest our recipe for chia water, it will detox your body and burn fat.

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