5 Scientifically Proven Anti-Cancer Foods

5 Scientifically Proven Anti-Cancer Foods


There is an adage that says that your mouth is your window to your health. Food actually has a significant impact on your health. While some foods are bad for you, others can help you feel better and strengthen your immune system.


We now have listed five products and services you could use as a prevention for malignant diseases:


Garlic contains nutrients that boost immunity, and help the body fight cancer naturally. It also features a potential to stop the spread of tumors. Researches have shown that garlic is an excellent remedy in the combat stomach cancer.


Citric acid fruits

These fruits reduce the risk of oral, throat and stomach cancer. To prevent cancer, eat oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and lemon.



This fruit contains the highest level of antioxidants. Anti-oxidants help neutralizing free radicals which damage the cell structure and are also regarded as being the main cause of various diseases, including malignant tumors.



It is an excellent vegetable to prevent skin cancer. Until recently, this vegetable was perhaps not available, but now you can buy it anywhere, so attempt to use it as much as you are able to.



Researches have shown that consuming salmon once a week can reduce the risk of developing melanoma and leukemia by 30 percent. This comes since the fact that salmon is rich in omega-3 efas.

Source: www.webmd.com

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