You Will Not Believe The Effectiveness Honey & Thyme Have On Your Health

You Will Not Believe The Effectiveness Honey & Thyme Have On Your Health

Honey is a substance that is made from flower nectar that bees transform into a sweet, golden elixir as if by alchemy, but in reality, they do so through the less poetic act of regurgitation. This golden liquid has proven to be an effective aid in treating illnesses like a bothersome cough and painful wounds.

Thymol gives thyme its distinctive flavor. It has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is perfect for the lungs. Thymol is a strong antioxidant which destroys free radicals.



  • 1/2 jar honey
  • 40g thyme, dried


Stir the herb to the jar of honey. If the mixture is too thick, pour in 50 ml of purified water. You can purify the water by boiling it first.


Stir well and keep the jar in a warm place for 2 weeks.


Stir the content once in a while. Strain the mixture employing a gauze or tea strainer. Simply take a tablespoon of the remedy twice a day.

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