This Is Why And How You Should Grow Turmeric at Home

This Is Why And How You Should Grow Turmeric at Home

Turmeric is renowned for its pepperiness, spiciness, and bitterness, as well as for its mildly pleasant scent, which is similar to that of orange and ginger. It is one of the many fundamental components of curry powder and gives ballpark mustard a bright yellowish undertone. Turmeric is made from the Curcuma longa plant's root. It has tough brown skin and meat that is a deep orange color.

It is highly regarded for its potent anti-inflammatory properties in the traditional medicine branches of China and India. Because of its deep color, turmeric is sometimes referred to as "Indian saffron." It is frequently employed as a condiment, medication, and dye, according to historical records. It's referred to as the "super spice" throughout the entire world today.

Regarding the preventative and therapeutic potential of turmeric, researchers have identified over 600 advantages.

Given that it has a potent anti-inflammatory effect, turmeric is a better alternative to ibuprofen in terms of safety and efficacy. On this, the majority of medical professionals concur.

This article's goal is to teach you how to grow turmeric in your backyard garden using only natural ingredients. 


How To Grow Turmeric Indoors

Grow it to incorporate an exotic note to your home. That is the benefit you get for free. You are able to grow it in your garden aswell, of course, if the spot you live in includes a warmer climate.

In this essay we will focus on growing turmeric indoors. Just like ginger, turmeric grows from rhizomes. If by any chance you did not know it, rhizomes are pretty similar to roots.

Turmeric does not give seeds, and rhizomes are the only method to cultivate it. But, the good thing is that rhizomes are pretty simple to plant.

Turmeric rhizomes are not available in garden stores, but you will find some in Indian food stores or healthy food stores. Always look for firm rhizomes with lots of bumps. Each bump or bud will give a brand new plant. The next thing you have to do is find a fitting pot.

Opt for varieties with good drainage holes. Make sure it’s at least 14 inches by 14 inches. Turmeric is nothing can beat your fragile herbs. Fill the pot with high-quality planting medium, preferably an inch below the rim.

If your rhizome is larger, separate it into small pieces with 2-3 bumps. Plant it 2 inches deep inside the soul with, bud side up. Water the soil, and you are done!

Proper watering

Turmeric enjoys plenty of water, so make sure you keep the soil moist, particularly if you live in a hot and dry area. Water the pot every 2 days. You may also use a spray bottle, if you find it easier.

If the climate you live in is slightly cooler, water your turmeric plant less frequently. The one thing you should remember is that the soil should never be soggy.



Turmeric isn’t as generous as your leafy herbs. It requires 8-10 months of proper care before you even arrive at harvest it.

The plant shall turn yellow, and you should also notice that the leaves have dried out. Your turmeric is ready to harvest. Uncover the plant and cut the rhizomes off the stem.

Wash them well, and your turmeric is ready for use. Simply take a piece or two of the basis and plant new rhizomes. If you cultivate your turmeric properly and love, you ought to harvest a few root pieces without taking the entire plant out.

When it comes to using your turmeric, consider peeling the root first. Always have your gloves on, as it can easily stain both hands, and the yellow stains shall stick to your skin for several days.

Storing and use

Keep unpeeled turmeric roots in air-tight containers. Store it in a cool and dark place. You can keep your turmeric like this for half a year. Drying turmeric roots just isn’t an easy job, so do not decide to try to do this. Use the roots fresh, and you can either slice or mince them.

If you have used dried turmeric in your cooking, be specially careful when switching to fresh produce. Fresh ginger features a stronger taste, as well as a tiny bit goes a long way. Add lower amounts of turmeric to your meals, and enjoy its peppery flavor.


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