28 Excellent Uses Of Coconut Oil For Personal Hygiene

28 Excellent Uses Of Coconut Oil For Personal Hygiene

Despite being aware that personal care products contain a lot of chemicals, you still use them. They have the potential to harm your health and result in numerous skin and other health problems. Of course, we advise you to stop using those harmful products and switch to using only natural ingredients if you don't want to run into any of these problems.

Coconut oil is undoubtedly one of the best ingredients when considering those that are entirely natural and good for your health.

This unusual oil will make you forget about commercial maintenance systems thanks to its many health advantages.

It has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties, which could significantly improve not just your personal hygiene, your health in general.


Uses of Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene

So there are 28 applications of coconut oil in our personal hygiene regime:

1. Dandruff

Coconut oil will help in reducing flaking and itching in the scalp. The reason being it has amazing moisturizing properties. It may also help in controlling the secretion of oil from your scalp (main cause behind production of dandruff).

Just massage some coconut oil on your scalp before going to bed. Then rinse it when you wake up and shampoo using a raw vegan hair care product for avoiding any harmful chemical irritants that could worsen dandruff.

2. Pore Minimizer

You should be using coconut oil for the pores. It helps in tightening the pores and providing a smoother and softer touch to the skin. it will also ensure that bacteria and dirt don’t enter the pores, which helps in preventing acne.

3. Cuticle Cream

It is simple to push straight back the cuticles using coconut oil. All you have to do is always to rub some oil on the cuticles for softening them.

4. Cream for Stretch Marks

If you have stretched and damaged skin, you should take advantage of the healing and nourishing properties of coconut oil. Just apply it 3 to 4 times daily and it will reduce the stretch-marks.

5. Hair Gel

You can also use coconut oil to style your own hair. Replace your hair gel with this natural oil, and it can be used to style your hair with ease.

6. After Shave

It will also help in giving your relief from razor burns up. Apply it following shaving and it will aid in nourishing hair follicles and healing irritated skin bits.

7. Hair Conditioner & Deep Treatment

You can also use coconut oil like me for deep conditioning your hair. Once i use it, my hair become silky smooth and glossy. Coconut oil contains a lot of fatty acids and helps in nourishing the hair follicles and scalp.

Jus massage 2 teaspoons of the oil into the hair on your head. Leave for an hour or so or through the night. Use an all-natural shampoo the next day to rinse it off. Condition your hair using apple cider vinegar. Additionally, you will have shiny and conditioned gorgeous hair.

8. Tattoo Healing

When you use coconut oil on your tattoos, it will also help in preventing the fading of the pigment. If you have a new tattoo, use it to speed the healing time. It will also help prevent any infection.

9. Eyelash Conditioner

Our eyelashes also need some conditioning from time to time -after all they are also hair. Rub a little bit of coconut oil in between the fingers and apply on the lashes before going to bed. You should apply it only on the guidelines.

10. Anti perspirant

You can use coconut oil to replace the anti perspirant (which can have aluminium in it). It’s believed to help eradicate the risk of cancer from deodorants. Coconut oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can kill fungi, yeast and bacteria. You can simply rub a little coconut oil in the armpits and feel better with a natural alternative.

11. Massage Oil

You can even use coconut oil as a great massage oil. Its smell also helps for making it an amazing massage oil. It can also help you to get relief from aching muscles because of is anti-inflammatory benefits.

12. Exfoliator

You can exfoliate your skin layer by rubbing it with coconut oil. Then use a scrubby hand mitten/washcloth for brushing the dead skin cells. It will likewise remove dirt and hydrate your skin. the oil has strong antimicrobial and antibacterial benefits. It is also full of lauric acid that helps in lifting dirt off the skin.

13. Hand Cleaner

The antibacterial advantages of coconut oil allow it to be a remarkable hand cleaner. Massage it on your own hands for fifty per cent of a minute and wipe using a warm damp washcloth. Then wipe it using dry washcloth. The remaining oil will soon be absorbed by both hands. It will work great all through the dry and harsh winters as soon as your hands can start cracking.

14. Preventing Wrinkles

Coconut oil also helps in strengthening and tightening skin and connective tissues. It gives you a younger and refreshed look. Use it as a nighttime facial moisturizer. It will help in preventing and minimizing the wrinkles too.

15. Chapstick

Coconut oil can also be used for hydrating and moisturizing the lips. It has natural SPF, beneficial in protecting the lips against sunlight, thus preventing peeling lips.

16. Varicose Veins

You have to be fed up of the varicose veins. Do you know that coconut oil can be used being an effective natural treatment? Massage some of it on the area around 3 to six times daily before you start getting the desired results.

17. Burns

You may also use coconut oil for healing burns off. Keep applying it regularly until the burn off site is healed. It’s going to speed up the healing and eliminate any risk of permanent scarring.

18. Nail Strengthener

When you rub your nails with coconut oil, it will help in strengthening and protecting the laminated keratin layers. These layers protect the fingernails against outer environment.

19. Vaseline Substitute

You can also use coconut oil in place of the petroleum based Petroleum ointment. It is not only natural and safe, it’s also thousands of times better.

20. Human anatomy Scrub

I regularly make use of a mixture of coconut oil and sugar/sea salt for creating my natural body scrub (used for both face and body). my recipe contains 3 tbsp of coconut oil and 2 tbsp of salt/sugar(gentler).

21. Eye Cream

Dab a small amount of coconut oil around the eyes to before going to bed to hydrate your skin. Your eyes will both feel and look great when you wake up.

22. Toothpaste

Mix baking soda into coconut oil and you will obtain a natural toothpaste that’s free from fluoride.

23. Makeup Remover

You can even use coconut oil for removing makeup. Just take some of the oil on a cotton pad and put it to use to rub the makeup. Then wash your face using natural soap product.

24. Insect Repellent

You may also use coconut oil for making your homemade insect repellant. The oil will also boost the shelf life of the repellant. You ought to avoid insect repellants containing DEET. They could cause damage to both your system and the environment.

25. Preventing Split Ends

I was having dry split ends (it was as a result of my hot yoga program. I didn’t used to protect my hair from the heat). I fixed the problem using coconut oil. I cut most of my hair and applied coconut oil on the tips before my yoga sessions. This significantly reduced the split ends.

26. Sunscreen

As stated previously, coconut oil has natural SPF. The oil protects skin from getting burnt. I have been using coconut oil throughout the summer and have never received a burn off since. Apply it in your skin just 20 minutes before you go outdoors so that it can get absorbed.

27. Lubricant

Coconut oil also works as an amazing lubricant. It is natural as well as feels amazing. Make use of it in the bed (avoid using with condoms as it could affect the plastics).

28. Healing Bruises

Coconut oil can also help in quickening healing when you apply it on bruises. It can also help in reducing redness and swelling.

source: www.healthandlovepage.com

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