7 Little-Known Ways to Get Relief From Stomach Problems


7 Little-Known Ways to Get Relief From Stomach Problems

Stomach problems can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. From bloating and gas to indigestion and constipation, there are many different types of stomach problems that can cause discomfort and distress. If you're looking for relief from these common issues, here are seven little-known ways to help ease your stomach troubles.


1. Cayenne pepper

Your tummy problems can be solved by consuming cayenne pepper. It contains natural anesthetic properties as well as reduces unpleasantness and pain. Acidity is even decreased and it also fights peptic ulcers by killing different types of bacteria. Food can be digested efficiently with the help of cayenne pepper. It is always advised to mix it with different foods for consumption and never eat it plain.

Digestion can be improved by practicing yoga daily. There are many yoga poses that help in promoting peristalsis or the movement of food throughout the intestines. Yoga also reduces stress being another reason for stomach problems, such as Irritable bowel syndrome. Bloating and gas pain can be reduced by a pose called Apanasana in which your knees are tucked towards your chest.


2. Apanasana Yoga 

Digestion can be improved by practicing yoga daily. There are many yoga poses that help in promoting peristalsis or the movement of food throughout the intestines. Yoga also reduces stress being another reason for stomach problems, such as Irritable bowel syndrome. Bloating and gas pain can be reduced by a pose called Apanasana in which your knees are tucked towards your chest.


3. Seated spinal twist

You can also tone and soothe your abdomen with the spinal twist pose. The spinal twist relaxes the abdomen and helps your belly breathe. It is especially effective for irritable bowel syndrome.



Your stomach health can be improved by the essential properties present in Ginger. It helps in reducing inflammation as much as aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. Blood circulation is also promoted thus improving your body’s digestion. Ginger improves nutrient absorption as the food smoothly passes down the digestive tract. The muscles of the intestinal tract are relaxed and prevent gas formation thus decreasing stomach pain and providing relief.



As unbelievable as it sounds but consuming a tablespoon of mustard with your meal daily can be really helpful to your diet. Mustard contains some exceptional anti-inflammatory and antacid effects which reduce and heal stomach pain.


6. Peppermint

An Upset stomach can be primarily defended by peppermint. Your belly can be calmed down by Menthol as it is an extremely strong antispasmodic substance. Every problem with the digestive tract like indigestion, heartburns, gas, nausea, heartburn, indigestion and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be soothed by peppermint. You can even get mint capsules for the same purpose.


7. Rice

Rice is a grain which is extremely essential in our day to day meals. Other starchy foods like oats, potatoes, etc. along with rice help to coat your stomach, soothe the digestion and makes digestion easier. They get easily digested and hardly stay in the stomach for a long time, thus leading to no acid reflux. Rice starch water along with some salt, sugar and lemon can make an easy home ORS for reducing diarrhea.


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