According to Dr. Ray Peat, estrogen dominance is one of the leading contributory factors to specific cases of cancer in women. Scientific evidence associates excess estrogen and progesterone deficiency with breast cancer, benign breast disease, and pre-cancerous conditions. Learning the causes and symptoms of estrogen dominance allows you to support your body’s detoxification, preventing hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms of estrogen dominance include:
• Edema
• Weight gain
• Varicose veins
• Dryness or itchiness of the honeypot
• Infertility
• Mood swings and depression in tune with your menstrual cycle
• Breast tenderness
• Cyclic insomnia, including fatigue and night sweats
• Variations or skipped cycles
• Scanty or excessive blood flow during periods
• Pre-cancerous conditions
• Benign breast disease
• Breast cancer
Why Estrogen Dominance Occurs
The liver usually treats estrogen as poison and immediately removes it
from the body. Estrogen often builds up to extremely high levels
whenever the liver gets sluggish. According to Dr. Ray Peat, liver
malfunction is usually caused by, malnutrition, too much estrogen, or
other forms of damage.
Excess estrogen as a result of a malnourished liver, which minimizes the detoxification of estrogen
Your liver requires an abundance of vitamins, proteins, and minerals to
detoxify and eliminate used hormones from your system effectively.
Estrogen recirculates in the body whenever its detoxification is not
The resulting dysfunction allows estrogen to build up in your body.
Studies show that protein deficiency is a major contributory factor to
the liver’s inability to detoxify. Recirculation of estrogen, which
occurs whenever the ability to filter used hormones out of the system is
impaired, causes problems like PMS.
Poor hormone production results in low progesterone and leaves estrogen unopposed
Progesterone and estrogen should be present in balanced levels. However,
poor diets often lead to low progesterone. To make progesterone, the
body needs a few raw materials such as vitamin A, cholesterol, and
thyroid hormone (T3). A limited thyroid function or lacking these
nutrients often results in low progesterone, a common cause of estrogen
Chronic stress
As a stress hormone, cortisol is necessary and helps a lot when it comes
to overcoming stress. As such, all types of stress result in reduced
progesterone levels to effectively increase the production of cortisol.
Birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy
The addition of synthetic estrogen to your body results in increased
estrogen, which ultimately ends in estrogen dominance. Synthetic
estrogen is associated with several cardiovascular risks such as PMS,
varicose veins, miscarriage, and the development of blood clots.
Oral contraceptives contain estrogen, which correlates with the effects these medications have on clotting. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease is currently the most pressing concern regarding the effects of oral contraceptives. As a result of oral contraceptives, the risk of cancer, immunodeficiency, or depression is considered minimal.
The level of estrogen tends to increase with age while progesterone and pregnenolone levels decline.
How to Prevent Estrogen Dominance
Support metabolism
In place of low-fat diets and calorie counting, eat more organic foods.
You should consume adequate amounts of carbs and protein to meet your
metabolic needs. Check your body temperature to find out whether you are
eating enough. Including proteins, fats, and carbs in every meal you
take and frequent ingestion helps to stabilize blood sugar. This applies
in particular to those with issues handling blood sugar.
Nourish your liver
Increase your daily protein intake to at least 70 grams. Including foods
like eggs, dairy products, fish, gelatin, shellfish, chicken, lamb, and
beef helps to create the all-important amino acid balance. This balance
empowers the liver and ensures proper detoxification. Eating
easy-to-digest foods reduces endotoxin, which often backs up the liver.
Support hormone production
Increase your intake of foods rich in thyroid (T3), vitamin A, and
vitamin E and get more vitamin D from the sun. All of these nutrients
promote hormone synthesis. Reduce hormone synthesis blockers such as
excess iron, ultraviolet light, x-rays, unsaturated fats, and excess
estrogen. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath before bed, at least 15 minutes
several times a week, increases magnesium levels. Ingesting a carrot
every day helps the colon to absorb endotoxin and estrogen, which
improves excretion.
Reduce environmental toxins and stress
Identify and eliminate stressors such as food allergies and
sensitivities, lack of sleep, and insufficient levels of energy. You
most likely use chemicals in your beauty routine and for cleaning
purposes. Ditching such chemicals helps to reduce environmental toxins.
As problematic as estrogen dominance might be, prevention is relatively
easy. You only have to alter your diet. Because this natural remedy is
unlikely to cause adverse side effects, trying it out poses no danger
and might be worth your while.