10 Incredible Ways To Use Banana Peels!

Bananas are one of the most popular and most delicious fruits which are packed with numerous health benefits. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that improve your overall health and boost your metabolism. But the inside of the fruit isn’t the only useful thing – the peels are useful as well!

10 Incredible Ways To Use Banana Peels!

Here are some incredible uses of the banana peels:


Bananas are packed with potassium which is a headache-relieving mineral. Just put a banana peel across your forehead whenever you’re having a headache.


Take the banana peel and rub the inner side on you warts. Secure the rubbed areas with a bandage and in time, the warts will fall out. Use this technique to easily get rid of warts.


The banana peels can hydrate the skin and relieve itchiness. Simply apply a banana peel on the affected area 2 times a day and your condition will improve.

Itches and rashes

Apply banana peel on the affected area and the itchiness and rashes will disappear.

Teeth whitening

Rubbing banana peels on your teeth will significantly brighten them in just a few weeks.

Treat hemorrhoids

Believe it or not, banana peels can treat hemorrhoids. Rub a banana peel on the affected area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day and the hemorrhoids will disappear in some time.

Bug bites

If you have an insect bite, rub a peel to soothe the itching.


Rubbing banana peels on acne-affected areas will relieve inflammation and irritation.


Banana peels are also known to have incredible regenerative properties which accelerate the healing process of bruises and damaged tissues.

Natural polisher

You can make your furniture, shoes and even kitchen utensils shinier by rubbing a banana peel on them.

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