9 Body Language Hacks You Should Know:


9 Body Language Hacks You Should Know:

  1. Don’t walk with your hands in your pockets; it looks like you’re not prepared.
  2. Don’t smile too much, as it can make you seem weak.
  3. Avoid fidgeting, since it makes you seem bored and uninteresting.
  4. Speak in a calm and slow voice, and try not to say “umm” or “like.”
  5. Always stand up straight; don’t walk with a bent back.
  6. Don’t look back when you close the door; it shows confidence.
  7. Maintain eye contact to build trust and show attentiveness.
  8. Mirror the body language of the person you're talking to; it creates a sense of rapport.
  9. Keep your arms uncrossed to appear open and approachable.

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