These 7 Types Of Food Destroy Cancer Cells! You Need To Start Eating Them Right Now!

Recent studies by medical professionals have revealed seven food and beverage varieties with potent anti-cancer qualities that can halt the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of tumors in human bodies. Instead of discussing a "starving" diet, we'll talk about commonplace and beloved foods like red wine, tomatoes, blueberries, curry, black chocolate, and green tea. Certain kinds of universal foods may be more beneficial and effective than chemotherapy, according to some medical professionals.


Anti-Cancer Properties of these foods – What caused it?

Let me say this in the simplest way possible. Well, these foods stop the blood supply to the tumor cells, or they actually have anti-angiogenesis properties. Now, do you know what angiogenesis is? It’s a normal process of creating blood vessels in the body. In some periods of our lives it’s increased, like newborns for example. In adult people this body function is rarely unlocked. It’s only functioning when tissues and capillaries in open wounds need to be restored. The angiogenesis function in the body is regulated by activators and inhibitor molecules. The inhibitors are predominating in the angiogenesis process, but sometimes it’s necessary to use the angiogenesis activators to stimulate the increased vascular cell growth for the formation of new blood vessels.


They are supplied with nutrients and spread in the entire body through the blood stream. This is the main reason they need new, additional blood vessels. So, in order to grow, the tumor needs angiogenesis – new blood vessels. So, the fully established cancer cells release their angiogenesis activators – the molecules that actually cheat the human organism and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients and oxygen. There are some new types of prescription drugs, angiogenesis inhibitors, which are not attacking the cancer cells and inhibit the growth of blood vessels to the tumor.


So, the main question is: how to prevent and stop the growth of cancer cells in our bodies? Well, we can answer that question for you. We can regulate angiogenesis by eating these types of food and we will prevent and stop the microscopic tumors in our body to grow and spread.

Foods that stop angiogenesis:

Tomatoes – a recent study in Harvard University has found that people who ate cooked tomato or tomato sauce more than 4 times a month had up to 50% reduced risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene. Lycopene provides the anti-carcinogenic and anti-angiogenic properties of the tomatoes. Lycopene is a compound and it’s easily dissolved in fat. In that form, lycopene requires their proper absorption through the digestive tract. The lycopene’s amount in tomato products increases rapidly when these foods are cooked under high temperature or if they are cooked with oil. This is completely the opposite, than the Vitamin C.


Turmeric – the miraculous and super-healthy spice that melts fat and makes us healthier. There are many studies that confirm the turmeric’s healing and anti-carcinogenic properties. Start using turmeric in your healthy diet and feel its natural healing powers.


Red wine – the skins of grapes are loaded with the extremely useful and amazing antioxidant – resveratrol. This antioxidant is related with decreased risk of heart diseases and healthy life. Several studies have confirmed that this compound provides these healthy properties:

  • inhibits cancer cells,
  • kills bacteria, viruses and fungi,
  • increases lifespan in animals,
  • improves the energy production of cells,
  • eliminates the free radicals in the human body,
  • increases glucose tolerance to diabetes,
  • improves the heart function,
  • improves physical and mental status and concentration,
  • repairs damaged DNA
  • prevents cell damages, caused by nuclear radiation

In 225 ml of red wine, there is approximately 640 mcg of resveratrol. Some resveratrol supplements are usually consumed in 200-600 mcg per day. These supplements are often in combination with extracts from grape or other antioxidants as well. Medical experts have found that Bordeaux and Pinot Noir contain the highest amount of this valuable and useful polyphenol.

We can also add two favorite drinks in the natural food substitute for chemotherapy. These two popular drinks are green tea and coffee.

Blueberries and raspberries are loaded with phytochemicals. These compounds are protecting against many cancers, while reducing the oxidative stress and stop the angiogenesis process in the human body. They are extremely useful and beneficial in the fight against the deadly ovarian cancer.

Or, if you have more advanced explanations for cancer development, you can add something sweet from the “natural chemotherapy” list to you healthy diet. Sweet, that sounds good – it’s sweet and anti-carcinogenic as well. Well, people, we are talking about the dark chocolate. It has been found that the dark chocolate is extremely healthy for your heart and good mood, and it works great against the bad cells.

There you have it guys. These types of food can help you control the angiogenesis process and reduce the risk of cancer cell growth. If you enjoyed this post, make sure you share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

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