Asparagus Is A Highly Alkaline Food For Scrubbing Out The Kidneys, Bladder And Protecting Liver Health

Asparagus Is A Highly Alkaline Food For Scrubbing Out The Kidneys, Bladder And Protecting Liver Health

Throughout the year, asparagus is a vegetable that belongs to the same family as leeks, garlic, onions, and lilies.

The absparagus is greenish as far as we know, but there is a white subvariety that grows underground. Due to its scarcity and limited production, this type of asparagus is highly valued.

It's a very alkaline plant with a high protein content and a low calorie and carbohydrate content. The best ingredients in it are calcium and magnesium.

According to the findings of Dr. Merkola this plant represents one of the most nutritionally balanced plant foods. It contains vitamin A, E and K, selenium, magnesium and zinc, as well as a large number of fibers, niacin, vitamin B6, manganese, iron and thiamine.

An amount of 5.3 ounces of asparagus can provide even 60% of the required daily folic acid dose. And it helps in a better function of the kidneys and detoxification of the body.

Here’s why you need to consume asparagus:

Diabetes. It can help maintain normal blood Acidity levels. Asparagus is an excellent alkaline plant, so it is great for reducing the acidity of the blood and can help tissue cleaning.

Liver. It supports the normal function of the liver because it is abundant with chlorophyll.

Arthritis. It contains a number of phytochemical compounds that help in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and reduces inflammation.

Kidney. It can help dissolve the kidney stones using its diuretic properties.

Cataract. It helps prevent eye diseases and the development of cataracts, with the help of glutathione and antioxidants that it contains.

Pregnant women. It can reduce the risk of low birth weight, because it is rich in calcium, folic acid and other minerals.

Asparagus with straight stalks and narrow peaks is best for consuming. It is usually consumed fresh, and you can store it in a fridge up to 3 days. To save the amounts of sodium and minerals of the asparagus cook them easily, instead of boiling it.

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