6 Amazing Plantar Fasciitis Exercises to Release Foot Pain

6 Amazing Plantar Fasciitis Exercises to Release Foot Pain

Despite how important they are, we frequently ignore our feet. Nevertheless, it is understandable that they frequently hurt because they bear the weight of our bodies when we stand, run, jump, and walk.

Plantar fasciitis, a painful condition that arises from inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the toes to the heel, is a common cause of foot pain.

Intense and sharp foot pain in the morning or right after an exercise, stabbing pain along the bottom of the feet, calf tightness, heel pain, and a palpable lump on the bottom of the foot near the heel are all common symptoms of plantar fasciitis.

This condition can cause you to walk with a limp, and it may limit the ability to run and walk up and down the stairs properly.

It is often caused by improper footwear, lack of strength and stability along the arch of the foot, or repetitive movements that lead to tearing, and obesity.

If the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot is inflamed and painful, the first step you should do is to address the inflammatory process. This involves applying ice to the painful, inflamed area for 10-15 minutes several times per day.

You can also try ice-bottle massage to reduce the inflammation from plantar fasciitis. The ice will treat the inflammation, and the massage will gently stretch the plantar fascia on the bottom of your foot.

One of the most successful ways to relieve and heal foot pain are stretching exercises, that target the area of the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon and strengthen the calves to improve the stability of the ankles and heel.

All you need is a yoga block and a tennis ball, and perform them 1-2 times a day.

Plantar Fascia Stretch

The yoga block should be on the floor. Step the ball of your right foot onto its edge, while the heel remains on the ground.

Then, shift the weight forward over the block to feel a stretch through your calf, ankle, and plantar fascia, and hold for half a minute. Repeat two times on both sides.


Calf Raises

Step up onto the mat with both feet. Place one hand on a wall, and lower the right heel down towards the ground.

Next, press up through the ball of the right foot and flex the calf muscle at the top. Repeat ten times, and switch feet.


Toe Stretch

Step the ball of the foot and toes onto the center of the block, raise the heel up high to feel a stretch through the toes and plantar fascia, and hold for half a minute. Repeat each side three times.


Tennis Ball Rollout

Sit in a chair and put a tennis ball on the floor in front of you. Then, place the arch of the foot on the ball, press a bit to release the tightness in the fascia, and start rolling the foot over the ball. Apply some pressure to feel the ball releasing tightness in the fascia.

Then, slowly begin to roll your foot over the ball, from the toes to the heel. Pause whenever you find a tight spot and hold for 30 seconds. Then, switch sides.


Toe Curl

Place the ball of the foot up on your tennis ball, with the heel on the floor. Curl the toes around the top of the ball, squeeze a bit, and release. Spread the toes wide, make 10 repetitions, and switch feet.


Heel Pump

While sitting in a chair, place a ball on the floor in front and lean the forearms onto your thighs. Place the heel on the top of the tennis ball, and the ball of your foot on the floor.

Then, start pumping the heel up and down on the ball. After a minute, release, and switch sides.

To ensure your optimal condition and body strength, you need to keep the feet and ankles healthy. These exercises will help you alleviate pain prevent discomfort, and lower the risk of injury.


To keep the feet strong and healthy, make sure you also follow these foot health and safety tips:

  • When worn down, replace your shoes.
  • Wear supportive footwear for your everyday activities and sports.
  • Do not overdo activities, but learn to listen to your body.
  • Rest and receive the needed treatment to prevent any recurrence of injury.
  • Before your workout or strenuous physical activity, complete a thorough warm-up routine.
  • To condition the feet and ankles, slowly build up your strength and flexibility.
  • Avoid running uphill too often, and avoid uneven surfaces, especially when running.

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