A sore throat can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, as well as by various medical conditions. Pus-filled pockets in the throat are a sign of an infection in the respiratory system, which can be caused by mononucleosis, the flu, or colds. Though it is not a serious health issue, if treatment is not received, there could be dire consequences.
Many drugs are available to treat sore throats, but some of them have unpleasant side effects that can exacerbate the condition. For this reason, using home remedies to treat the infection naturally is the best option. Many anti-inflammatory treatments can relieve sore throats and rid your body of toxins, lowering your chance of developing cancer. This is the one that a lot of people think is the best:
- 1 larger beet
- 9% alcohol white vinegar
Wash and peel the beet, then crush it with a fork and add a tablespoon of white vinegar for every 250 gr. of beet you crushed. Now, mix everything well and leave the mixture to stay for 20 minutes, then strain it and remove the beet from the strainer. Gargle the liquid every couple of hours for a couple of minutes and swallow a bit of it to relieve the inflammation in your throat.
Here are some other natural remedies that can relieve a sore throat:
- Gargle a mixture of one lemon and a pinch of baking soda twice a day (in the morning and evening);
- Another mixture that can help is some warm lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey;
- Mix lemon juice (from one lemon), a pinch of salt and honey, then soak a cotton ball wrapped on your finger in the mixture and touch your throat with it. The remedy will heal your tonsils and throat in just a short time;
- Apple cider vinegar is an effective and cheap natural remedy for throat infections. The liquid is a powerful antiseptic that can relieve the symptoms of sore throat. Just add 2 tablespoons of ACV in half a glass of water and gargle the mixture 3 times a day to relieve the infection;
- Garlic is a powerful antibiotic, antiseptic and antibacterial agent that can eliminate fungi and bacteria from your throat effectively. Just crush a garlic clove and mix it with a cup of water, then drink the remedy 3 times a day.
The aforementioned remedies are highly effective against sore throat and will provide relief in just a short time.