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The Consequences Of Not Showering Often

The Consequences Of Not Showering Often

There are layers to our skin. The majority of the bacteria in our environment are "collected" by the top layer of our skin. Not only do our hands and faces experience this, but also the parts of our bodies that are concealed by our clothing.

According to a worldwide general statistics, an average person takes a shower on each second day. So, “If you are someone who sweats a lot, has a history of bacterial infections, works out daily, or works in a high-risk environment – such as a school teacher or healthcare provider, then it’s best to shower daily to prevent infection and to prevent the spread of infection”. This is an interview statement of Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, a famous family doctor and emergency specialist.

There are always exceptions – feeling too tired – but not every single day, then, travelling, being forbid by your doctor to bathe a lot for some reason etc.

But, otherwise, you should never miss a shower and here’s what happens if you do.

1. You increase the possibility of acne to show up

One of the millions of reasons that causes acne development is skipping a shower. Your pores are not deeply cleansed and you sleep all night long with the dirt accumulating on your skin. “Dirty skin on the face can result in clogged, large pores resulting in blackheads, acne, and skin irritation”.


2. Bacteria and sweat will mix

The eccrine glands and apocrine glands, which are the two main sweating glands, can produce various sweat odors.  The eccrine glands produce sweat, while the apocrine glands – a secret which shows your body is stressed.

The first one helps your body to cool off. And the apocrine glands secrete a different fluid when you’re under stress. When either of these two combines with the bacteria on the top layer of your skin, you can get a smelly body odor.


3. Patches can form on your skin

This is an interesting side effect which mostly happens if you go without showering for a longer time, and also, if this is becoming a habit for you. The condition, called dermatitis neglecta (literally – neglecting your skin) includes the appearance of brown patches on the top layer of the skin. It also might be a consequence of not gentle, but harsh scrubbing of the skin.


4. Skin conditions

Another skin condition, with the effects of itchiness and redness of the skin is commonly known as eczema. It can be linked to genetics, but also, it can be a consequence of longer prolongation of showering.

Though, most people who suffer from eczema have dry skin, the best option is to choose a proper  bathing and skincare and moisturizing techniques.


5. Fungal infections

“Our skin is our defense to the environmental toxins and debris we encounter on a daily basis. If not cared for properly by washing, then we allow the opportunity for a fungal infection, like ringworm from the floor mat of the gym, or a bacterial infection such as staph you may have picked up on the subway”, states Dr. Nesheiwat.

It’s not absolutely necessary to take a bath every day. However, you should develop this important, necessity habit according to your own needs, lifestyle and changes you make daily. Nobody wants bacteria in their bed sheets or a smelly odor, right?

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