Symptoms of Early Diabetes to Recognize for a Timely Diagnosis !

Symptoms of Early Diabetes to Recognize for a Timely Diagnosis !

Blood sugar levels have a direct correlation with the disease known as diabetes. The pancreas, a gland in the abdomen, produces the hormone known as insulin, which controls this.

Because of its common symptoms, which can easily be mistaken for those of other, less serious illnesses, abdominal cancer is extremely difficult to detect, especially in its early stages.


Here are 7 early symptoms that it is not the flu or stomach aches, but diabetes:

1. Increased hunger

Excessive hunger, or, polyphagia, as it’s medically known, together with increased thirst and urination are the three most common diabetes signs. When the body can’t convert the food to glucose – a natural fuel for the organism, your body wants more food to make fuel from. But that’s the trick, you will be hungry again and still don’t feel enough energy!

2. increased thirst

After eating a chocolate or an ice-cream, you immediately feel the urge to drink water, right? That’s exactly how your body feels without the ability to process the glucose, and instead of being turned to energy, it finishes inside your urine, taking along extra fluids from your tissue!

3. increased urination

A normal adult pees between 4 and 10 times per day. However, anything above this is considered extreme (not if you’re pregnant).

4. blur vision

If you never had eye problems before, but your vision becomes blurry and it is not just for a day, than you might have diabetes. It is a result of shifting fluids and because your eye is wet, it makes them swollen and the density of the liquid changes as well. Thee changes, however, are not permanent, because as you stabilize the blood in your sugar, the vision stabilizes as well.

5. slow healing process

If you have open wounds on your skin and it seems like forever to heal, it might be because your high blood sugar increases inflammation and also leads to poor circulation, not allowing the open cut wound to be healed by rushing blood towards it. This would mostly happen on your feet, as they’re the first thing we feel with poor circulation.

6. dark patches of skin

This condition is medically known as “acanthosis nigricans”, which in latin means dark patches of skin with a velvety texture. They usually appear where the skin is folding in our body parts, such as the armpits, inside the elbows, behind the knees and on the knuckle on the fingers. This condition can also attack an average person, but it’s most commonly treated as an early diabetes syndrome.

7. unexplainable weight loss

We spoke about increased hunger as an early diabetes symptom. If you have this and still are not gaining weight, even more – you’re losing weight, you definitely have diabetes and should consult your doctor for a preventive treatment. This doesn’t actually mean you’ve lost weight, but you lose liquids from your body, which are the first things your body releases when its sugar levels are high.


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