How to Use Baking Soda to Remove Unwanted Face and Body Hair in Few Minutes

How to Use Baking Soda to Remove Unwanted Face and Body Hair in Few Minutes

There's no doubt that shaving unwanted facial hair is not the ideal way to deal with facial hair. Have you given waxing or depilatory creams any thought? These creams' ingredients have the potential to irritate skin very quickly. We're going to demonstrate three traditional, completely safe methods for using baking soda to remove unwanted hair for you to use today.

Fortunately, these techniques only use household ingredients, so you can avoid exposing your skin to dangerous chemicals found in products that are marked as sold.


Baking Soda to Remove Facial Hair

The exfoliating effect of baking soda can effectively get rid of the dead cells, impurities and thin hair from your body parts and your face.

This skin home application made of baking soda will help balance the pH levels and avoid any bacterial infection furthermore.


Baking Soda to Remove Body Hair

This method works only for thin unwanted hair.

  • Mix one tbsp of baking soda in 200 ml of boiled water.
  • Stir the mix completely and then let it chill.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area and let it dry out overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse it with regular water.

Repeated this method for 3 consecutive days, it will help you get rid of all thin hairs.


Baking Soda And Turmeric

Turmeric is very popular in India, besides its cooking magic, many Indian women are using it for facial hair removal.

If you apply turmeric powder on your skin, it sticks to the skin like a mild-glue. When you pull off or wipe it, the thin hairs will be removed from the root. Follow the steps below and enjoy the magical effect of this treatment

  • Mix single tbsp of baking soda with one teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • Add some warm water to get a smooth paste-like puree.
  • Mix the mask mixture till you get a thick paste.
  • Apply it to your skin by using a brush,
  • Let it dry on the skin for 15 mins and then smoothly rub to remove the paste.


Lemon and Baking Soda

Even that it sounds unbelievable, you can now even remove unwanted hair with lemon and baking soda. This, method is very simple, just mix two tablespoons of boiled water with a single tbsp of baking soda. Then dip a sliced lemon in the mix and apply it over your skin. The last step: Let it dry and wipe it gently by using clean hands or gloves.

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