Reduce Sugar Intake
The crucial part is to reduce starches and sugars and starches intake. When reducing sugar intake, the hunger levels decrease and that will make you eat much less calories. This means our body will not burn carbs for energy, instead will start feeding off of deposited fat.
Moreover, the benefit of reducing carbs is that it reduces insulin levels, making the kidneys to process excess sodium and liquid out of your body. It reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.
Excluding sugars and starches from the diet will lessen the appetite, lower the insulin levels, and you will lose weight without starving. If you feel like you must consume sugar, don’t forget to stay active and try to eat unprocessed sugar like honey or dates.
Eat Vegetables, Fat and Protein
Every meal must include proteins, fat and low-carb veggies. Also, plan your meals on the way that you will set carb intake into the recommended levels of 20–50 grams daily.
Rich protein sources are eggs (especially yolk), Seafood and fish like trout, salmon, shrimp, meat like lamb, turkey, chicken, beef. Adequate protein intake can boost metabolism and burn 80-100 calories per day.
The large-protein diet will lower cravings and obsessive feelings about food by 60 percent, also lessen the urge for midnight snack by 50 % and you will eat fewer calories per day.
Eat Low Carb Veggies
With other words “green” vegetables like cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, kale, brussels sprouts. Feel free to load the plate with these low-carb veggies. You can them as much as you want, we recommend at least 2 times a day, to eat sallat ( for the best results). The diet principally on meat and veggies that contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
Drink Citrus (Detox) Drinks and Water Only
Lemons, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos should be your best friends while on this diet because they assist the liver to cleanse our body. Once or twice a week squeeze a fresh juice of any above-mentioned citrus fruits and store it some cold place. Drink a single glass of the juice before breakfast and before or during lunch, avoid drinking it at night. Make sure you drink an excessive amount of water, your kidney will drain all toxins out of the body if you drink enough water.
Eat Fat, The “Good” Once ( Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats )
Fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil will keep the HDL cholesterol levels high and keep low the LDL cholesterol levels. Please avoid foods like fries, which contain excessive amounts of “bad” fat.
Stay Active And Try Fat Burn Exercises
The best choice is to go to the gym a few times weekly. Warm-up the body and do some weight lifts. It will burn lots of calories and prevent the metabolism from breaking down, which is a typical negative effect of losing weight. Also, don’t forget cardio, if you are not a typical runner, then try cycling or elliptical. To summarize: Eat high protein breakfast, avoid sugary drinks, drink water before each meal, drink coffee and tea, eat soluble fiber, eat unprocessed foods, eat “green” veggies and stay active.