7 Home Remedies for Cervicitis

7 Home Remedies for Cervicitis

A common condition called cervicitis is usually brought on by an infection contracted during intercourse. Cervicitis is thought to affect more than 50% of women at some point in their adult lives.

The most frequent causes of cervicitis are common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia. Allergies resulting from exposure to synthetic chemicals in tampons or condom latex, however, can also cause the condition.

If left untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility.

Causes of Cervicitis

Women who exhibit high-risk sexual behavior (e.g. having multiple sexual partners and having sexual intercourse at a young age) are at a greater risk of developing cervicitis .

Research indicates that it will reoccur in between 8-25% of women who develop it.

Furthermore, cervicitis can occur via non-sexual transmission and can be caused by an allergic reaction to the insertion of a device (cervical cap, pessary, tampon or diaphragm) into the pelvic area.

Many people are allergic to the spermicides used in contraceptives, or the latex used in condoms, or indeed, to a non-specified chemical irritant found in these products.

Cervicitis may also be caused by bacterial infections (e.g. staphylococcus and streptococcus), or due to excessive proliferation of the normal bacteria that inhabit the vagina (bacterial vaginosis).

Medical researchers have also cited other factors as causes of cervicitis and why it may persist after antimicrobial therapy. These include:
  • frequent douching (or exposure to other chemical irritants),
  • persistent abnormality of vaginal flora
  • spontaneous inflammation in the zone of ectopy
  • vaginal birth

Hormonal imbalances (low estrogen and high progesterone), cancer, and the process of cancer treatment (e.g. radiation therapy) can also contribute to the development of cervicitis.


Symptoms of Cervicitis

The disease involves the swelling or inflammation of the tissue at the end of the uterus (i.e. the cervix). It is often asymptomatic, but symptoms can include:

  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • irritation of the vulva or vagina
  • backache
  • pelvic or abdominal pain
  • abnormal vaginal discharge (which can be yellow, white, or gray)
  • unpleasant vaginal odor
  • burning sensation when urinating
  • atypical bleeding from the vagina

Cervicitis can be acute or chronic in nature:

Acute cervicitis (which is typically caused by an infection) can often be successfully treated with antibiotics, antifungal medications and antiviral medications. Likewise, there are also home remedies for cervicitis that focus on treating the underlying STI.

Chronic cervicitis (which is often caused by noninfectious causes) can be treated directly with home remedies or may necessitate surgery or laser therapy.

The following list of herbs and alternative treatments should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment and diagnosis. They are merely meant to help your body and immune system recover from the infection.

Regardless of the severity of your symptoms, obtaining a professional diagnosis is critical. Cervicitis can be diagnosed by an analysis of endocervical specimens and urine for any STIs or bacterial infections.

If the cause of cervicitis is an STI, then the best home remedies for cervicitis are to treat the underlying STI. Therefore identifying the STI is critical.

Medical diagnosis should also be sort because the infection can spread from the cervix to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and into the abdominal and pelvic cavities. This can lead to blocked fallopian tubes as well as other female fertility issues, pregnancy complications if you are already pregnant, as well as a life-threatening infection.

Home Remedies for Cervicitis

1. Maintain a healthy diet

Like gynecologic cancers, cervicitis is not directly caused by specific dietary factors. However, there is a small body of evidence that suggests that some food groups can have a protective or adverse effect on the risk of developing cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.

Some evidence supports the claim that the consumption of non-starchy vegetables (e.g. cruciferous greens and celery) protects against the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, while carrots reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

Furthermore, the consumption of red meat was found to be positively correlated with the risk of endometrial cancer.

Your choice of what to eat may not play a direct role in the development of cervicitis and cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers, but it can affect your susceptibility to become infected by HPV and other STIs (which can lead to the development of these cancers).

As such, it would be best to stick to a healthy diet that consists of ample fruits and vegetables (especially the ones mentioned above) while avoiding red meat and processed meat.


2. Drink green tea

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) contains polyphenols and catechins which have demonstrated chemopreventive, antiviral, antitumor and immunomodulating properties. It has been hypothesized that green tea consumption can protect against HPV-related cancers via these mechanisms.

Regular consumption may thus alleviate the symptoms of cervicitis by suppressing the activity of HPV (if applicable), and reducing your risk of developing cancers in your ovary, endometrium, cervix, vagina, and/or vulva.


3. Traditional Chinese Medicine

Evidence-based clinical research has found that the combinations of Chinese medicinal herbs and compounds used to treat genital infections such as vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, and PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) have demonstrated satisfactory effects.

They may thus be used as a complementary drug treatment to alleviate the symptoms of cervicitis.

This treatment has been proven to be effective in cleaning the vagina, improving vaginal blood circulation, reducing vaginal secretions and relieving local hyperemia. It also effects a change in the pH of the vagina which inhibits bacterial growth.


4. Wormwood

Artemisia absinthium (the common wormwood) is widely used as an aromatic and medicinal plant, usually in the forms of extracts and essential oils.

Since the latter can be a cause of cervicitis, wormwood as an excellent home remedy for cervicitis and can be used to alleviate the symptoms of the infection.

  1. First, boil 1 liter of water. 
  2. On the side, add one full tablespoon of wormwood essential oil to one cup of water and boil the solution until its volume reduces in half. 
  3. After the tea has been strained well, add it to the 1 liter of boiled water. 
  4. Then, let the solution cool down to body temperature before you use it to clean your vagina.


5. Yogurt

One of the causes of cervicitis is an imbalance of your natural vaginal flora. Just like an imbalance of gut bacteria can cause many medical problems, so too can an imbalance of vaginal flora. Inflammation of the cervix can result.

The vaginal suppositories containing lactobacilli bacteria can be used to try and address this imbalance. If lactobacilli suppositories are unavailable, yogurt is one of the best home remedies for cervicitis as it is rich in lactobacilli bacteria. swabs of plain yogurt that contain the bacteria can also help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina and alleviate your cervicitis.

Simple swabs of plain yogurt that contain the bacteria can also help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina and alleviate your cervicitis


6. Vitamin D

In a small study of 200 women with chronic recurrent cervical infections and with a cervix dysplasia, vitamin D suppositories were given for three nights a week for 6 weeks.

The results of using a high dose vitamin D vaginal treatment proved more effective than a previous study using lactobacillus vaginal suppositories. As such, vitamin D is an excellent home remedy for cervicitis.

Vitamin D showed very good anti-inflammatory effects. After six weeks therapy, 79% of the women had reported less vaginal problems, less discharge, less problems with the sexual intercourse.

What’s more, only 7% still had bacterial and/or fungal vaginal infections that required a treatment. The researchers found that vitamin D is reabsorbed by the vaginal mucosa, and that cervical cells demonstrated less dysplastic effects (abnormal cellular growth)


7. STI Home Remedies

pantiesAs mentioned, most cases of cervicitis are caused by an underlying sexually transmitted infection. The best home remedy for cervicitis is, therefore, to use our home remedies for the STI in question. If you treat the STI, you will treat the cervicitis.


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