You Must Read This If You Are A Smoker! Quick Way To Cleanse The Lungs

You Must Read This If You Are A Smoker! Quick Way To Cleanse The Lungs

If you smoke, you should be aware that nicotine and tar have been heavily contaminated in your lungs. They're not exactly "good" for your health, either. It is best to make an effort to stop smoking as soon as you can because smoking and nicotine's long-term effects on the lungs can become irreversible if you keep up your regular smoking habits.

We offer you a highly effective treatment that will purify your lungs. The fact that you only need three basic ingredients makes it the most useful.



  • 400 g onion
  • 2 tsp turmeric
  • ginger root (an inch piece)
  • 1l water
  • 400g sugar or honey



Boil the water and your sweet ingredient. If you use honey, ensure you add it at the conclusion.

Chop your onions and grate the ginger root. Add both ingredients to the liquid.

When the mixture boils again, stir in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and reduce steadily the heat to low.

Simmer the liquid until it reduces by half. Simply take the pot off the heat, strain your remedy and transfer the content into a jar. Let it cool completely. Keep the jar in your fridge.

Just take your remedy twice a day – in the morning, before you consume or drink such a thing, and after your late-night snack or dinner. Simply take 2 tablespoons each time.

How and why this mixture works?


Its healing properties have been used since ancient times. The mighty spice provides a wide range of health benefits, including the power to eliminate mucus buildups in the lungs.



It is well known for the anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic effect. Turmeric cleanses blood and prevents inflammation.



Same as garlic, onions provide strong anti-cancer properties. They are widely used in the treatment of malignant diseases. This veggie offers an efficient prevention against respiratory dilemmas.


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