The Fat Burning Chocolate Avocado Pudding You Can Make in Few Minutes

The Fat Burning Chocolate Avocado Pudding You Can Make in Few Minutes

We all think it's impossible to have a delicious dessert made with healthy ingredients, but you will fall in love with this incredible Chocolate Avocado Pudding! Avocados are among the world's healthiest fruits because they have potent anti-aging qualities that shield the body from free radical damage. They contain a lot of plant sterols.


According to Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS:

“Avocados are truly a tremendous food for several reasons, but until recently, you wouldn’t realize it. Years of being scared off from fat-containing foods have led many of us to overlook nutrient-dense avocados.

Today — thanks partially to the diet risks that are revealed — we all know that avocado benefits include critical, healthy monounsaturated fats additionally to much more: various antioxidants, multiple trace vitamins and minerals too.

Granted, avocados are an amazing addition to those dishes. But i’ve got also come to understand that, in most countries, they’re regularly utilized in desserts! round the world, they’re employed in similar ways as coconuts and commonly paired with raw cocoa — furthering their health benefits even more. Their mild flavor, texture and creamy consistency make avocados an incredible ingredient in a number of my favorite treats like mousse. “

But first, allow us to review a number of their health benefits. Namely, these fruits have powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties that strengthen the system.


Avocados are a fashionable source of about 20 essential nutrients, like sodium, folate, calcium, magnesium, fiber, potassium, boron, iron, and vitamins E and B. They also improve the power of the body to soak up fat-soluble nutrients from other fruits and vegetables, like alpha and beta-carotene and lutein.

Moreover, they’re rich within the organic compound lecithin, which prevents liver overload, improves the function of the brain, and helps to balance weight.

Avocados are among the healthiest fruits on Earth, with high amounts of plant sterols, like beta-sitosterol, that have potent antiestrogenic properties. They inhibit the estrogen receptors in cells and lower estrogen absorption rates.

They have powerful anti-aging properties that prevent radical damage, and penetrate deeply inside the cell structures, enter the mitochondria and activate its energy production.

Mitochondria are central components of the cells that produce the bulk of a cell’s energy from nutrients, but at the identical time, generate unstable chemicals that inflict damage to both the mitochondria itself and other cellular components.

Yet, a recent study has found that avocado oil effectively reverses this damage, and in line with the lead study design author, Dr. Christian Cortez-Rojo,

“Avocado oil causes accelerated respiration in mitochondria, which indicates that the employment of nutrients for producing energy for cell functions remains effective even in cells attacked by free radicals which mitochondria can produce little amounts of damaging free radicals.”


The Recipe for Chocolate Avocado Pudding


  • 3 large avocado, soft and ripe
  • 3-6 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup cacao powder
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 tsp flavouring
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey


Mix the ingredients within the blender for a moment, then leave the pudding within the refrigerator for half an hour.

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