How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently

How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently

Hair in all of these places, including the face, forearms, underarms, thighs, shins, and bikini line, is a major aesthetic concern today, especially for women. Are you sick of going to clinics in the hopes that you can find a solution to this issue? Are you sick of using different cosmetics and looking for a quick fix? Or perhaps you have tried using the painful epilator but are still unhappy with the results? It's time to try a natural method for permanently removing unwanted hair.

The cure is an old recipe that is meant to eliminate the unwanted body hair and face.

All you need is: walnuts shells, a gauze and water. You have to burn 7 or 8 walnuts shells, placing the ash in 200 ml of water. Let it stand overnight (or for approximately 12 hours). After 12 hours, you have to dip a gauze in the water combined with the ash and apply it on the specific area you want to remove hair. Let it act for about half an hour.

The procedure can be used several times per day (up to 3 or 4 times a day). Whether is facial or bo0dy hair, results are expected to appear within a few weeks.


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