3 Ingredients That Cure Clogged Arteries, Fat In The Blood, Infections And Cold!

3 Ingredients That Cure Clogged Arteries, Fat In The Blood, Infections And Cold!

Three ingredients that treat infections, colds, clogged arteries, and blood fat! Not all diseases can be treated with medications. Some illnesses are even treatable and easily avoidable with the use of natural ingredients. Make a concoction of these three wonderful ingredients to solve all your problems if you're looking for something that will keep you healthy while also treating a variety of health problems like the flu, colds, and cardiovascular diseases.


It's crucial to keep in mind that you must contrast the advantages offered by this wonderful combination with those offered by consuming them separately.


Today, we are going to see Germans old remedy that will improve your overall health with 3 ingredients which are nothing but garlic, lemon, ginger and water.



#1 Garlic:

Garlic is considered as one of the healthiest foods on the earth because of its antibacterial, anti viral, anti septic properties. The compound called allicin in garlic helps your body to be healthy and active.

2 Ginger:

Ginger is also loaded with anti inflammatory and anti bacterial compounds such as gingerols, beta carotene, caffeic acid and curcumin that helps with digestive issues, pain, inflammation and nausea.

#3 Lemon:

Lemon alkalizes our body and boosts our immune system and even balances our PH levels in the body to prevent certain diseases.

This natural drink also helps the arteries from becoming congested, prevents fatigue and even helps to regulate blood fat cells.

Consuming this drink on regular basis cleanse your liver and enhance your immune system.

Ingredients Needed For This Wonderful Recipe:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 4 large heads of garlic
  • Small piece of ginger
  • 4 lemons


  1. First of all wash the lemon and cut them in to slices. Peel the garlic cloves and ginger root and keep them aside.
  2. Put all ingredients in the blender and blend them well until you see a thick homogeneous content.
  3. Place this mixture in a metal bowl and add 2 liters of water in it.
  4. Boil this mixture until it reaches to its boiling point, then remove from the heat and allow it to cool down completely.
  5. Now, strain the mixture and fill it in glass bottles.


Drink one glass bottle of this mixture every day before having meals or an empty stomach.


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