8 Signs Your Relationship Needs To End

8 Signs Your Relationship Needs To End

When you're in a relationship, it's normal to have ups and downs. However, there comes a time when the downs seem to outnumber the ups, and you start questioning whether it's time to call it quits. Ending a relationship can be tough, but sometimes it's necessary for your well-being.

Furthermore, there are few hard and fast rules about when a relationship should end—outside of the situations where there is emotional or physical abuse. That said, there are several considerations that may help clue you in to whether your relationship is going past the point of no return. None of these factors alone should be considered a death blow, and in fact some of them may have nothing to do with your relationship but rather be about your own individual stress levels.

But the more of these criteria you meet, the more you have to ask yourself: Am I willing to do the work to get back on track with this relationship? Is my partner? Mutual commitment to the relationship itself—and to repairing it—is always cause for hope. But in absence of that, it's time to do some serious thinking.

Please note that these signs apply to what has been a relatively serious, committed relationship that has lasted for some time. If you are questioning whether to continue to date someone when it is in the early stages, that will be addressed in my next blog post. 


1. Conflict is constant.

When fighting is unrelenting, to the point where there are very few minutes of calm, take it seriously. Fighting about fighting, or not fighting fair, are both signs that the battles have grown big enough that they need to be addressed. 


2. Or, you've stopped even bothering to fight.

Some couples become so exhausted by fighting that they simply stop, but that doesn't mean that all is well—far from it. In these cases, they often stop sharing things with each other altogether, and have zero ability to bring up any sort of disagreement because they know that it will just spiral out of control. 


3. It doesn't occur to you to share good news with your partner.

Your partner should not have to be your only cheerleader, and there may be plenty of types of news—an amazing bargain on that item you wanted! some good words from the boss who's hard to please!—that you naturally share with another friend first, perhaps because that friend has a mutual interest or is closer to the situation. But when all personal good news feels irrelevant to your relationship as a whole, or when you feel your partner no longer knows you well enough or even cares about what's happening in your life for it to be worthwhile to talk about, that's a sign that things are not well between the two of you. 


4. One of you wants to seek help, and the other doesn't.

It's a classic problem that has spelled the end of many a marriage: counseling is clearly needed, and yet only one person is willing to take that step. Not only does that represent a fundamental impasse in perspectives about how and whether the relationship can be saved, but it also means that there is not joint motivation to actually try to do the work that would make a difference. 


5. You feel increasingly drained by your partner, even when they're not particularly needy.

Romantic relationships are like friendships in this way; spending time together may not always be fulfilling, but it shouldn't be consistently draining over long periods of time. Sometimes time together is draining because one partner is going through something difficult—which is a natural part of the long-term reciprocity that relationships call for. Other times, one partner is a particularly demanding or needy person, which can occasionally be worked through if both partners are motivated. But when your partner isn't being particularly needy and yet you still find it so tiresome to be around them, that is often a sign that the dynamic between the two of you is souring significantly. 


6. You can't agree on what the problem is.

It's particularly difficult to begin to work on a problem when there is a total disagreement about what that problem is. This isn't insurmountable, as professional help can typically give insight into the roots of the issues. That said, if each of you blames the other as being the true origin of what is going wrong, it will be hard to find common ground, or be willing to be vulnerable enough for real change. 


7. You feel that trust has evaporated.

Trust is the foundation of a committed relationship, and a lack of it hollows out a relationship from the inside. If it is truly able to be built back up, both partners need to be committed not only to the repairing process but to fixing the root of the problems that led to the breakdown of trust in the first place. 


8. You've begun to treat each other with superficial politeness.

Similar to a total lack of fighting, a completely detached and superficial civility is often a sign that both partners have checked out. If your partner feels more like a roommate or acquaintance than someone with whom you have a high level of emotional intimacy, there is a substantial problem.

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