Baking Soda and Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems

Recently, the natural medicine is again becoming extremely popular, and the capacity of natural remedies to treat various health conditions cannot be denied.

Multiple studies have confirmed that these recipes are even more effective than conventional medical treatments.

Baking Soda and Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems

One recipe of this kind is the mixture of baking soda and castor oil. Its ingredients are extremely beneficial and provide potent medicinal properties in the case of various health conditions.

When these ingredients are combined, you get an extremely potent natural remedy that can provide positive effects in the case of more than 20 health problems.

You have probably heard a lot about the properties of baking soda and its wide range of uses. Castor oil treats various diseases, and when used as a coating, it is one of the most effective natural remedies which stimulate circulation.  Due to this quality, it is often used as a compress.

To prepare such a compress with castor oil, you will need cold pressed castor oil, a bottle of hot water, plastic wrap, clean gauze or a cotton towel, and a towel.

Clean the skin with some baking soda, and then soak the gauze in castor oil. Apply the gauze on the area that needs to be treated, and wrap in some plastic foil. Use the hot water bottle to warm up the place, and secure it with a towel. Leave it thus for over an hour.

Afterward, you should again clean the skin with some baking soda. These are some of the most important uses of castor oil and baking soda:

Castor oil coatings applied on the neck efficiently treat chronic hoarseness and vocal cord nodules

The oral use of 6-8 drops of castor oil for 4 months completely cures tinnitus

Drip a couple drops of castor oil in your ear to enhance your hearing

Castor oil removes pilonidal cysts

Massage with castor oil can reduce and prevent the appearance of stretch marks

Mix baking soda with castor oil to remove the dark spots on the face

Castor oil compress quickly treats injured ankles

Castor oil effectively treats cataracts. All you need to do is to drip a drop of castor oil in the eyes 
before going to sleep at night

Consume 5 drops of castor oil daily to prevent allergies

Castor oil coating can significantly ease the pain in the back

The regular massage with castor oil removes calcium deposits on the soles

You should rub some castor oil on the eyelids before bedtime to treat ocular allergies

Apply castor oil directly to treat mouth sores

Massage the scalp with castor oil on a daily basis to stimulate the growth of your hair

Rub castor oil on warts for 30 days to remove them completely

Apply castor oil coating on the stomach to reduce hyperactivity
It relieves topical skin injuries like cuts, burns, bruises

Apply castor oil topically on bug bites to relieve the swelling and itching

The coatings of castor oil treat diarrhea

Treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot with the application of castor oil coatings on the feet
It effectively treats hepatitis

Castor oil coatings on the stomach can stop the snoring in 2 weeks

A mixture of baking soda and castor oil is extremely helpful in the case of cancer

The consumption of a few drops of castor oil on a daily basis can help you reduce the addiction to alcohol and nicotine

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